Tugged the fabric down over his hips.

His cock sprang free as I pulled his boxer briefs out of the way, and I licked my lips, trying to hide the fact that I was practically drooling at the sight. Merrick had a fucking gorgeous cock. Thick and long, with a velvety smooth head and veins the pulsed angrily when I teased him with my mouth.

Darting my tongue out, I flicked just the tip of it over his slit, lapping up the small bead of precum that gathered there. The salty taste made my pussy throb as a fierce hunger built deep inside me.

My gaze darted up to meet Merrick’s as he watched me with hooded eyes.

“You pissed me off today,” I murmured roughly, licking him again. “You got me all worked up. And now I’m gonna have to take out all that aggression on someone.”

His laugh turned into a tortured groan as I wrapped my lips around him, taking him as deep in my mouth as I could. I chuckled, letting him feel the vibrations in my throat.

He had pissed me off. And even though I was no longer angry, I planned on making him pay for it.


And again.

And again.

Chapter Eleven

My attention was so focused on the task in front of me that I didn’t even hear the bell go off.

I stared at the magical apparition in front of me, energy swirling from my fingertips. I had learned how to separate the stream of magic that came from my palms, moving the separate threads in all directions.

Focusing hard on the wavering shadow in front of me, I sent a spiral of energy outward. As it moved toward the apparition, it split off in several directions, wrapping itself around the ghostly creature’s body, then piercing it through the top of the what seemed like a head. A loud, echoing scream reverberated through the classroom, and the apparition disappeared.

As I let the magic curl back into my hands, I twisted my neck from side to side, dispelling the tension that had gathered in my shoulders.

Professor Howes walked up next to me and clapped her hands. “You’ve come a long way. I like to see that you’re able to separate the threads of your magic. That will help you a lot in the Gods’ Challenge.”

As she said the word “challenge,” her voice trailed off. I looked around the room as the other students in my Combat class began to trickle out of the large room. I cleared my throat, flicking my fingers as pricks of magic made them tingle. Then I turned to face my professor. “Anything that will help, I guess.”

She nodded, her large eyes seeming to grow even wider as she regarded me. “Just a few days left before the challenge.”

I shook my head, looking at the spot where the apparition had once stood. “I’ve been preparing the best that I can. Though, I have to admit, it’s hard to prepare for the unknown. They don’t really give you any kind of clue as to what you’ll be facing. It doesn’t even go along with your training.”

I didn’t expect anything from my teachers; none of them had even spoken to me about the challenge. But Professor Howes seemed almost sympathetic. Maybe even… worried.

She let out a long sigh and nodded. “It always seems that the best students are selected for the Gods’ Challenge. It’s a shame that they don’t all come back.”

Her words took me by surprise. No teacher had ever said that to me before. I tilted my head to the side and stepped toward her. “Do you know what happens to the students? Why so many people don’t make it back?”

I could see a tightness suddenly appear in her shoulders. I pushed onward though, hoping for something, anything that would help me when I reached the godly plane.

“I…” She winced slightly, her voice growing quieter. Then she shook her head. “I really can’t speak to you about this. But I do wish you all the luck. They send students to the godly realm every semester, and they will continue for as long as necessary.”

I stepped forward again, closing the space betwee

n us. “And how many years have they happened? Why does the Gods’ Challenge even exist? What’s the purpose of it?”

She fidgeted nervously, and I got the sense she was afraid of something; as if all the teachers were afraid of something. They refused to speak to me about it, or about anything having to do with the gods, and this was the closest I had gotten to getting any answers. It was obvious that my questions were making her incredibly nervous, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. What was it about the Gods’ Challenge that made the teachers here so absolutely terrified?

Professor Howes shook her head and glanced up at the door as if somebody were watching. She leaned toward me, keeping her gaze down.

“I can’t speak to you about this anymore. However, if you go to the school library, down the third row to the end, take a left—on your right-hand side will be an empty section of the wall. Use your magic to tap three times right in the center and a door will appear. Only those that know the spell are allowed in, and no one will know that you’re there. You should find the answers to your questions, or at least some of them, inside. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to prepare for my next class. Good luck with the challenge.”

I moved out of the way as she hurried from the classroom, my heart beating faster. I’d just learned about a portion of the school library that I hadn’t even known existed. Not to mention the fact that apparently it held answers to the secrets that I had been searching for this whole time.