Hale steps forward, and Ciro rises smoothly from his chair. As a single unit, the five of us approach Leland, coming to stand before him.

I wonder what he has for us. It better be fucking good.

“You will take care to make this detailed, but not long winded,” Hale says, staring at Leland. He nods. “I want to hear everything, but you’re not here to waste any of our time. Got it?”

The physical stress is beginning to take a toll on the older man. I can see it in him. Fading bruises mar his face, and I hope like hell that Camilla bought his cover story explaining his fucked up appearance. Mafia life is violent, but even so, he looks like shit. He’s paler than he was last time he was here, his eyes glassy. He fidgets endlessly—with his tie, his sleeves, his fingers. The actions are so rapid and jerky that they irritate me, putting me on edge just like he is.

But his whole body stills when Hale speaks next.

“Tell us what you found.”

“Camilla has something big coming up.” The words burst from Leland’s mouth like he can’t wait to say his piece and get the fuck out of here. He’s lost weight too, his suit a little looser around the waist, hanging on his shoulders. “She’s working on a major deal right now.”

“A deal with who?”

“I don’t know.” He shakes his head rapidly. “I really don’t. I’m not that high up in her ranks, just a—”

“What. Is. This. Deal?” Hale speaks each word slowly, like he’s giving Leland a chance to reconsider that weak-ass excuse.

“It’s big!” Leland repeats, as if he didn’t already tell us that. “She’s been planning it for months. That’s all I know.” He swallows. “She’s convinced that when it goes through, she’ll be able to push us aside—”

“The Novaks,” Hale corrects. It couldn’t be more clear that he doesn’t consider Leland one of us anymore.

The traitor blanches. He’s getting more and more jittery the longer we talk. His gaze darts to Ciro before shifting back to Hale. “She thinks that this deal will bring the Novaks down, so she can start taking over our—your territory. Resources. Businesses. She seemed very pleased that it was going through.”

Hale mutters a curse under his breath. “How soon is it going through?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know or you’re choosing not to tell us?” Hale demands, and Ciro takes a single step forward as if on cue.

Leland flinches. “No! I don’t know anything else about it, I swear—”

Hale stops Ciro with a small movement of his hand. Looking at Leland long and hard, he clenches his jaw. The man squirms in his seat as Hale scrutinizes him.

“We need more.”

“I told you, I don’t have any more,” Leland says, and there’s a hysterical edge to his voice. “I got everything I could. She runs a tight ship, only the people who need to know are made aware of important deals. I’m not in that category. She still considers me a Nov—”

“If you finish that sentence, I’ll fucking kill you.” Hale’s voice cuts through Leland’s babbling. “You are not a Novak, and you don’t deserve to utter that name.”

When the man snaps his jaw shut, Hale cocks his head slightly, narrowing his eyes.

“You don’t have anything else now,” he corrects, “but you will be going back and getting us more.”

Leland’s face falls. “I can’t. I can’t do that.”

“Yes. You can.” Hale smiles viciously. I never want to be on the receiving end of that smile, because it means nothing but pain. “Unless you want to put your family in danger. And since you’re such a fucking family man…” Hale’s voice trails off, almost lazily. “I’m sure you’ll see the importance of giving us what we need.”

“No!” Leland snarls. “You can’t do that—”

“Would you rather have them die at Camilla’s hands?” Hale demands, his voice growing heated. “At least with us you know it would be quick, painless. I don’t like that your children and wife should have to atone for your betrayal. I don’t believe that’s how things should be done. But at least it would be a mercy to them, to kill them before Camilla could.”

“You’re asking too much,” Leland pleads. “Do you know how much I’ve already had to risk for just the information I gave you? I told you, I’m not as high up in her forces as I am with the—”

He breaks off so fast it’s like someone cut out his tongue. Hale’s jaw clenches, and I know he’d like to kill Leland for even thinking his family name, but he doesn’t make a move.

Leland swallows, gathering himself before he speaks again. “I’m not supposed to ask questions. I get my assignments, complete them, and keep my head down. That’s all. If I start asking questions, Camilla is going to realize that I’m working for her enemies, and she’ll kill me. She’ll kill my family.”