She rises slowly to her feet, a shy smile spreading across her face. She moves to step away from me, and I don’t know where she’s going, but I suddenly can’t bear the thought of letting her leave. Before I’m even conscious of the movement, my hand reaches out and grabs hers. I tug her back toward me, and I see her eyes widen in surprise before I pull her down onto the bed with me. I move us toward the middle of the mattress and lie down, bringing her with me and wrapping my arms around her, burying my face in her hair.

It’s terrifying to touch someone this closely, our bodies pressed together from head to toe. The only other time we’ve done this was in the shower that night, and before that, it’d been years since I let someone get that close.

In the aftermath of the orgasm, my body is still over-sensitized and buzzing, and the feel of her soft body cradled against mine makes my heart thud heavily in my chest.

Her heart is beating hard too, I realize. Just as hard and fast as mine is. Does she feel what I do? Or anything even close to it? I press a kiss to her hair, inhaling her jasmine scent as I both offer comfort and seek it.

I don’t speak, and neither does she. We just lie together, breathing each other in, until our bodies relax against each other.

The last thing I’m aware of is her small hand pressed against my chest.



Lying next to Ciro, I feel his heart thrumming steadily beneath my palm.

As it thuds against his chest and my hand, it slowly returns to a sated, rhythmic beat as he drifts off to sleep. Though he doesn’t hold me in his arms the way one of the other men might, he allows me to be close enough that his warm skin heats my own, and a small thrill of happiness spreads through me, despite my own exhaustion.

Holy fuck.

I’ve never been more turned on in my life, and all I did was give him a blowjob.

Brian liked when I went down on him, so I did it pretty often. But it was never something I particularly enjoyed doing.

Until tonight.

What just happened between me and Ciro was different.

I might’ve been on my knees in front of him, but I didn’t feel weak. I felt powerful.

Not like I dominated him or anything, but like I had the power to give him something no one else could. Something he stopped even hoping for a long time ago.

To see him so turned on and so trusting, so desperate for me? To feel him lose control, even a little bit? It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced.

The fact that he even allowed me to touch him made me feel special, and the way he looked at me with worship in his eyes meant the world to me. Means the world to me.

I try not to squirm against the ache between my legs, not wanting to disturb him. As willing as I am to give him pleasure, I know I can’t push him too far.

Ciro still has a long way to go. I’m just beginning to understand the weight of his trauma, and I’ll probably never know all of it. I can try to comprehend what he’s gone through, but I’m only grasping at the edges of it.

Still, I think, listening to his heart as sleep tugs at my consciousness, at least it’s a start.

I try to hold up the fabric of my dress as I stumble over the pavement, but it’s soaked in blood from the hem all the way up to my breasts—fresh blood that weighs the dress down and makes it wrap around my ankles. I want to tear the fucking gown off, but I can’t stop for anything.

Because if I stop, I may never start again.

My strength is already failing me, but adrenaline fuels my fear, pushing me forward.

My dress snags on something, sending me tumbling to the ground with a heavy smack. Pain tears through my lungs as my palms scrape against the cement. I try to force myself back up, but another weight slams down on my body, covering me.

He’s caught up with me, and he’s never going to let me go.


“Gotcha.” His v

oice is rough, breathless from the chase. His face shines with sweat, and malice gleams in his eyes.