“Oh, yeah, I know that one.” I blink. It’s a nice spot. I thought he’d pick some dump, his way of showing me this really doesn’t matter to him at all, but Passerotto is an upscale Italian restaurant. A date-night place. “Okay. I can meet you there at like, seven?”

“That’s great. Thanks for doing this, Emma.” Trent flashes a smile, and his beautiful gray-blue eyes sparkle.

Ugh, why is he so damn attractive?

I’m still angry at him. I still hate him. But when he looks at me like this, it’s hard to remember that. When I think back to last night when we almost kissed in the hallway, I feel literally weak in the knees, which I didn’t even know was a real thing.

But that can never, ever happen.

It’s one thing to agree to be cordial for our parents’ sake, but I can’t let actual feelings get involved. The devil wears a beautiful face. I have to remember that. Always.

“Sure,” I mutter, blinking to clear my vision as I tear my gaze away from his. “I’ll see you later.”

Brushing past him, I head toward the door.

“See you,” he says softly.

As I pass, I can feel him turning to watch me leave, can feel his gaze burning into my skin. A flush comes to my cheeks, and despite myself, I’m starting to look forward to our dinner tonight. My whole body comes alive w

hen I’m around Trent, and I can’t help but crave more of that.

The day passes in a pleasant blur. Leslie is texting me nonstop to talk about her boyfriend. Apparently, things are really heating up between them, and the shit she wants to tell me about what they’ve done makes my ears burn. I’ve never been that much of an over-sharer, but hey, to each their own.

I text her back as I sit in my second-to last class of the day, trying to sound suitably excited about the size of her boyfriend’s dick.

When class gets out, I actually have a smile on my face as I walk across campus to my final lecture of the day. After the absolute disaster of last night, this could finally be the fresh start I’ve been hoping for. No more bullying, no more bullshit.

As I pass by one of the elegant buildings that border the quad, I see the three Icons standing behind a large pillar. They don’t see me, and I draw in a breath, reminding myself of my resolve to make peace for Dad’s sake. But as I walk toward them, planning to say hello, I hear Trent start to speak.

“Dude, she totally fell for it.” He chuckles, a low, gravelly sound.

Wait. What?

I push my back up against the pillar so that they can’t see me, heart hammering as I tilt my head to listen.

“Are you serious?” Reese asks, and I can’t tell if he’s asking because he’s impressed by Trent or genuinely surprised.

“Of course, I’m fucking serious. Can anyone resist this smile?”

“For fuck’s sake,” West grunts. I hear a sound like Trent punching him in the shoulder.

“Shit. I can’t believe this plan is actually working,” Reese adds.

“It was fucking easy. Emma is gullible,” Trent says nonchalantly, and bile rises in my throat. “Once we have her trust again, all we’ll have to do is get in there and destroy her. For good this time.”

West grunts again, and Reese doesn’t say anything. But they don’t need to. Trent’s words, the triumphant tone in his voice, have destroyed me. I know every fucking thing I need to know. I get it all now.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest, and for a second, I think I might actually pass out from the rush of blood. There’s a wild buzzing in my ears, and my skin is hot, like I might spontaneously burst into flames at any moment.

A huge wave of anger comes over me, and I can’t fucking take it anymore. I slip away from the pillar before they can see me, then I start running—literally running—away from them and back toward my dorm.

Screw my last class.

Screw a fresh start.

If they want to fuck with me, then I’m going to fuck with them. It’s either them or me, and I’m choosing me.

“Hey,” I say to Leslie as I storm into the dorm.