“Okay, okay!” I chuckle. “You’re right.”

“Let’s talk about sports instead,” West says, his lip tilting up a little on one side. I get the feeling he’s fucking with me—but not in the cruel way they all used to. In a sweet, teasing way.

“Only if you don’t mind hearing me talk about how many goals the players score in basketball. Or how many touchdowns they score in baseball,” I deadpan, and the other side of West’s lips curves upward too.

“Yeah, that’s totally not fair, West,” Reese puts in. Then he winks at me, his boyish features lighting up with amusement. “Let’s talk about something we all enjoy. Porn.”

I slap his arm, laughing, but as the laughter dies out, the entire room goes silent. I can feel tension building like a cloud around us, and I’m suddenly hyper-aware of each one of the guys. Of how close they are to me, of how their distinctive scents seem to linger in the air, of every small movement they make, the flex of their muscles as they shift in their seats.

Can they feel this too?

“You’re disgusting,” Trent finally says with a roll of his eyes, breaking the tension, and everyone chuckles.

“Porn isn’t disgusting,” Reese argues, looking at Trent like he’s crazy.

“Yes it is. I don’t watch that shit,” Trent says.

“I do,” West says flatly.

The conversation moves on to other topics, but I can’t focus very well after that.

My mind keeps coming back to one thought. Trent broke the tension growing between us by making a joke.

But what would’ve happened if he hadn’t broken it?



“How’s school going? How were finals?” Mom asks me.

“Good. I’ve got one more tomorrow, then I’m done.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.” She lights up as she closes the fridge, her arms loaded with ingredients for dinner.

“Yeah. I think my grades are pretty solid.”

“And you and Emma?”

Shit, I was trying to distract myself from thoughts of Emma. Ever since I came home to visit my mom, she’s all that I’ve been thinking about. I can’t stop thinking about that night at her dorm. We fucked for hours, and it was the best damn sex of my life. I can’t stop thinking of the way her body looked and felt and even smelled. It’s all like some kind of dream now. We haven’t had sex since, but I’ve wanted it so badly.

“We’re doing okay. We feel like friends again.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Trent! It will make Paul so happy to hear.”

I’m not lying either. Emma and I do feel like friends again. She’s been hanging out with all the guys and things have been super chill.

“And you and Paul?” I ask, even though I know the answer. Even though I have to force the question out, I’m trying. I’m trying to be okay with this shit.

“We’re really happy together.” A smile beams on her face.

She is happy. I can see it on her face. And that’s good. She deserves that after the hell she’s been through. Her divorce from Dad nearly wrecked her, I think, and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure she never gets hurt like that again. He held her infidelity over her and used it to punish her, and the whole thing got so ugly, it was awful to watch.

So I’m glad she’s in a good place now, even if I still sort of hate the guy she’s seeing.

Shit. If my mom and Paul get married or something, is that going to make it awkward between me and Emma? On a scale of one to ten, how fucked up is it to want to bang your step-sister?

Is it more fucked up than knowing the girl you want to bang has had sex with both of your best friends and still wanting her anyway?