But if I broadcast the fact that I’ve now slept with all of them, I have to believe it would tear them apart. I could see hints of it at our Team Six meeting, and afterward in my encounter with West. He looked murderous at the idea that Trent had slept with me. What will he do if—or when—he finds out about Reese? And what about if Reese and Trent find out about West’s and my encounter in high school?

It will either destroy them… or they’ll destroy me.

Either way, I can’t conceive of a scenario where they’d all be perfectly okay with it. Where they’d all be open to sharing. Is that even a thing?

My body flushes with heat at the idea, and my eyes fly wide, shocked at my response.

Fuck, why am I thinking about that now? About not having to choose between any of them? About being free to touch any one of them whenever I wanted? About having them all together? Three sets of hands on me, three hungry pairs of lips. Three cocks, all hard for me.

Embarrassment makes my cheeks burn, but it doesn’t stop my hand from finding its way beneath the covers. I thought I was worn out from last night, but a desperate ache builds in my pussy, and I touch myself, fingers flying over my clit as images cascade through my mind.

The pleasure crests in a violent wave, making me squeeze my eyes shut as I come.

And when I do, I call out three names.

Oh, hell.

I am so totally fucked.

I have to keep my guard up.

That’s the mantra I keep repeating to myself for the rest of the weekend.

Even though Reese, Trent, and West have each shown me moments of sweetness, they’ve also shown me cruelty. They seem as confused about what’s going on between us as I am, but I can’t let that soften the walls around my heart.

I still have to stick to my guns and protect myself.

So I pointedly ignore all three of the Icons for the entire weekend, not even checking my phone or email in case they messaged me. I stay off social media and basically hermit myself in my dorm, doing homework, cleaning, and planning for the week ahead.

It’s good to get caught up, to buckle down and focus on school, but I’m a little stir-crazy by the time Leslie returns on Sunday night, desperate for human interaction.

“Hey, girl!” she calls out, coming through the door and throwing her bag on her bed.

“Hey!” I return with equal enthusiasm.

She kicks her shoes off and throws them in the direction of her little closet. “Ugh. I’m so glad to be back.”

“Did you have a good time?” I ask.

“Yeah, I guess so.” She grimaces. I don’t know much about her family—or much about her life outside of Clearwater at all, actually—but I get the impression she doesn’t get along with them all that well. They definitely don’t know that she’s helping finance her college experience by using her computer programming skills to do a little hacking on the side. “But I need a little peace and quiet.”

“Was pretty quiet around here,” I say guiltily, knowing that’s about as far from the truth as it’s possible to get.

“Yeah?” Leslie asks, then turns to me and cocks her head to the side. Her eyes narrow, and I feel like she’s looking right through me. “Did you have sex?”

Oh my God. I’m mortified. She really did look right through me. I could try to backtrack out of this, but instead, I finally decide it’s time to come clean with my roomie. If this shit is about to get even more complicated, I could use someone in my corner. And she always seems so knowledgeable about the world. She seems like she’s been around the block once or twice, like she has a permanent invite to all the coolest parties.

So hopefully this won’t make her think less of me.

“I think you better sit down,” I say, biting my lip.

“Oh, shit.” Her eyes widen, but she does as I suggest and sits on her bed. I sit on my bed too, turning to face her.

“Okay, so I’ve told you a little about Reese, West, and Trent.”

“Your friends from high school.” She nods, seeming to perk up with interest.

I’m not surprised. Any woman with eyes and a pulse would probably perk up at the mention of them. What does surprise me is the flash of sharp jealousy that cracks through my body like a whip.