His lips collide with mine, and he sucks my tongue into his mouth, devouring me hungrily as he fucks me from below.

Then his arms band around me, and he pulls me down hard on his dick—so hard it’s almost painful—grunting and burying his face in my hair as he comes hard. His cock jerks hard inside of me, and I can feel come leaking out as he thrusts shallowly a few more times, milking out every last drop of his release.

The windows are foggy, I realize.

Our panting breaths fogged them up.

Even if someone had walked by, they wouldn’t have been able to see inside. Although with the way the car was probably shaking, and the muffled cries and groans coming from inside, I don’t think they would’ve had a hard time guessing what we were doing.

“Holy shit,” Reese breathes. He sounds dazed. Shocked. I wonder if it’s because of what he just did, or because of who he did it with.

Did he expect this? Did he see it coming at all?

I certainly didn’t.

When I left my dorm tonight, all I had on my mind was a boring evening of doing laundry.

But as Reese’s cum drips out from the space where we’re still connected, it hits me all at once.

I just had sex with one of the Icons. The last of the Icons.

I’ve now fucked all three of them.

And I wish I could say I regret it.



Little patterns of early morning sunlight move slowly across the ceiling. I watch them stretch and grow as I lie in bed, too exhausted to get up yet. My mind is reeling, my heart is numb from feeling too much, and my entire body is sore.

Car sex is a lot more strenuous than it seems.

I try to muster up some regret or shame, but I can’t find either. I don’t know what the hell this means, but I’m not sorry I did what I did.

No matter how stupid it was.

“Holy fuck, I can’t believe I’ve had sex with all three of them,” I murmur to myself. Leslie is at her parents’ house again, so no one is around to hear me.

I had hoped that giving in to the pull toward Reese would snap the thread that seems to draw me to all three of the Icons—or at the very least, make it clear whether there was one of them I was drawn more strongly toward.

But it didn’t.

If anything, I’m afraid it only strengthened the bonds between us, and I should regret that.

After we clambered out of the car last night, putting ourselves back together and cleaning up as best we could, Reese asked if he could walk me to my dorm. I agreed, and we actually held hands as we walked. He carried my laundry under his other arm, holding it so effortlessly.

It was unnerving how… normal it all felt. As if we were a couple or something.

It was unnerving how much I liked it.

“Thanks for carrying my laundry,” I whispered as I opened the door.

“Thanks for… well, everything.” Reese replied. Then he leaned in to give me another gentle kiss, and I was so tempted to pull him into my room for round two, but something stopped me. Well, the memory of having Trent in this exact same bed a week ago was what stopped me.

Why? Am I still trying to protect these men somehow? Still trying to preserve their friendship?

I don’t know why it should matter to me. Maybe it’s just because once upon a time, they enfolded me into their group. I was a part of it, and when I was, I felt more cherished and safe than I ever had in my life.