My hands shake with relief. If he had refused, I would’ve come up with something else, but the longer I think about it, the more sure I become. This is the perfect revenge. It’s exactly what Trent deserves from me.

An eye for a fucking eye.

ME: Cool. See you soon.

I clean things up a little bit around my room, not that it was all that messy to begin with because I’m a neat freak.

All kinds of thoughts are running through my head at this point. Did I do the right thing? If I try to get revenge on Trent, am I not stooping just as low as he already has? Guilt gnaws at me, and I need reassurance. Funnily enough, I call my dad.

“Hey, Ems,” Dad says, picking up the phone on the second ring.

“Hey, Dad,” I reply. “What are you up to?”

“Taking Claire to the movies tonight. You want to come?”

“Um, I think I’m just going to stay in tonight.”

“Okay, sweetheart. I hope you’re not too shaken up from last night,” Dad says. “Claire said she hasn’t seen Trent like that in years. Apparently, he went through a hard time after you and I left Clearwater, but she said he’s been a lot better lately. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. If I had, I would’ve eased us all into that meeting a lot slower.”

“No, no.” I force a smile so he’ll be able to hear it in my voice, but my stomach twists. Trent went through a rough time after we left? No. If Clair

e’s talking about shit like what he pulled last night, that was going on long before we moved out of town. “Everything is totally fine. Trent apologized and everything. I feel a lot better.”

“That’s good, Ems. You know, I know you guys lost touch after you started at your new school, but I had sort of hoped me and Claire seeing each other would give you two a chance to reconnect. But… maybe that won’t happen. And that’s okay!”

Oh, God. I have so much to say here that I don’t know where to begin. But Dad can’t know about any of the stuff that really went down, and I can’t even tell him that Trent is coming to my dorm tonight. That would raise some serious suspicion. Fuck, what if Trent told his mom that we’re having dinner tonight, and then Claire tells my dad?

What would he think if he had any idea what I’m planning? That I’ve chosen my revenge over his new relationship?

“The most important thing, Ems, is to always keep your cool. When people push you, don’t push back. Be a peaceful warrior,” he says, chuckling good-naturedly.

“Right. Thanks, Dad.” My voice is a little hoarse.

Shit. I called my dad for reassurance, and all I got was a reminder that what I’m doing is just as fucked up as what Trent has already done. Dad and I say our goodbyes, and I hop in the shower, trying to wash off the ugliness that I feel in my soul.

I feel dirty, confused, and so fucking angry. At Trent. At myself. At this whole damn situation.

But Dad was wrong about something. Taking the high road is all well and good, but a peaceful warrior is not going to deflect a hungry pack of wolves.

Steeling myself, I decide to keep the plan just as it is.

When I get out of the shower, I start by moving my computer halfway across the desk and turning the camera on. I make sure to cover the little green light with a black piece of tape so that it won’t be obvious it’s recording. I position the camera so that it’s pointing toward the bed, then look up at the clock. It’s 6:50. Trent should be here soon.

I run to my dresser drawers and open the top one, which has my favorite negligee. Honestly, I’ve never worn it for a guy before. A friend of mine bought it for my eighteenth birthday, kind of as a joke, but I think it’s actually tasteful and sexy, so I decide that I’m going to go ahead and throw caution to the wind. I put the negligee on and then sit on my bed, waiting.

The next ten minutes literally feel like an eternity.

Desperate to kill time and distract myself from my nerves, I stand up and look into the mirror to inspect myself.

And as I look at the girl with fine-spun blonde hair and deep brown eyes, I realize something—I’m beautiful.

In fact, I look damn fine. For so many years, my self-esteem was almost non-existent because of what the Icons did to me, but looking in that mirror, I can see my beauty, and my power, for the first time in a long time. My hair is up in a messy bun, and I let it down, allowing the strands to fall over my back.

It’s tousled and messy, like it’s just waiting for someone to plunge their fingers into it. Good.

The picture is complete.

Now all that’s left to do is wait.