Page 25 of Say Yes

Flashing me a wicked smile, she moved down my body, settling herself between my legs and darting her tongue out to lick the head of my cock. My muscles tensed as pleasure jolted through me, and—

A warm, wet tongue licked my foot.

I jerked, choking out a laugh as the tongue lapped over the ticklish arch of my foot.

“Oh shit—Bruno—”

Somehow, he’d managed to push the door open—or maybe I just hadn’t closed it. I actually couldn’t remember; Mackenzie and I had been too preoccupied to really care either way about the possibility of the dog deciding to interrupt.

But there he was, plopped on the foot of the bed where he knew he didn’t belong, with his big eyes looking at Mackenzie and me as he made himself comfortable. It was like he was saying, Okay, you’ve spent enough time in bed. Can I have some attention now?

“Aww, look at his cute little face,” Mackenzie said, laughing. She reached down to pet his head, scratching him between his ears as his tail wagged. He let out a little woof and licked her hand.

“Oh, Jesus. Talk about a damn boner killer.” I groaned and laughed at the same time, scrubbing a hand over my face. Then I hauled Macks up my body, draping her over me and kissing her deeply, wrapping my arms tightly around her. That damn dog, cute as he may be, had definitely extinguished the heat of the moment. But we’d finish this later, if I had anything to say about it—and I had quite a few things to say, if we were being completely honest. Her body was responsive, pressing to mine. I jerked away, however, when I felt a wet swipe of a tongue across my face as Bruno licked me.

“Okay, okay, we’re getting up. Damn, dog! It’s like having a nanny around,” I grumbled with a roll of my eyes. Mackenzie snickered.

“I’m gonna wash up.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Wanna join? No dogs in the shower.”

I smirked.

“Well, how could I turn down such a tempting offer from a such a lovely lady?” Bruno’s hot breath wafted onto my cheek, and I grimaced. “But I think for our sake, I’ll get breakfast going. Knowing our luck, today will be the day Bruno decides to break the ‘no dogs in the shower’ rule.”

Mackenzie laughed, scratching Bruno’s ears again as she cooed at him. “Oh, Bruno! Would you do that? Are you a bad boy? Who’s a bad boy?”

He leaned his big head into her hand, his tail thumping hard against the sheets.

And there it is. I’m actually jealous of a damn dog. Jesus, get a grip, Prince.

Tipping her chin up, I leaned down to kiss her on the nose.

“You shower. I’ll get food. Then maybe we can take Bruno out for a walk together since he obviously has an agenda today.”



Hot water ran down my spine, flowing smoothly over sore muscles. Walker and I had spent both Friday and Saturday at home, in bed. Sleep, however, was the farthest thing from our minds.

It was like being a teenager again. We’d been each other’s firsts, and that very first time was implanted in my memory in vivid detail. After that? Well, it wasn’t hard to remember the hormones exploding, how hard it’d been to keep our hands off each other.

The difference between then and now was we both knew a hell of a lot more about sex—and it was a hell of a lot more intense than back then because of it.

Walker was in the kitchen, getting some lunch prepared. I finished washing my hair, but took a few extra minutes in the shower to sort through my tumbling thoughts. I felt like I was in a complete whirlwind.

Sex. Emotions. More sex. More intense emotions.

I sighed and pushed my face under the water. My whole body felt the effects of letting Walker devour me, and my mind… well, my mind was warring with itself over whether getting so wrapped up this whole thing was a good idea.

On one hand… the sex w

as amazing.

On the other… I couldn’t deny that, no matter what I’d said about keeping things simple, there was still a part of me that felt something for Walker.

And that? That scared the shit out of me.

It was why I always said friends with benefits was only a good idea if you really were just friends and were really only sticking around for the benefits. I mean, what adult doesn’t like sex, aside from a select few? It was a normal, healthy thing to want, and screwing a friend was a hell of a lot safer than finding a stranger.