Page 42 of Say Yes

I crouched on my knees beside the elevator, tugging with all my might on the shoe while the doors banged against it, trying to close. I shoved them open again, grabbing on to the arch of the shoe with both hands and twisting.

Finally—a little worse for the wear—the heel popped loose, and I raised it up triumphantly as the elevator doors slid all the way closed. There was a hydraulic hiss, and then a strange tug on my coat.

“Oh motherfucking shitballs!”

While I’d been crouched down beside the elevator, my coat had taken the opportunity to betray me entirely by getting caught in the closing doors. As the elevator rose, the edge of my coat was pulled up, yanking the entire thing over my head. I scrabbled at it with both hands, bent nearly double as I tugged at the fabric, stopping it from pulling me up toward the ceiling. But it was flipped nearly inside out, the fabric draped over my head with my arms still stuck in the sleeves, and it was still caught tight in the doors.

I’d seen a bully in my high school do something like this once. He’d pulled the guy’s shirt halfway over his head, trapping him in his own clothes while everyone laughed.

Only at least that poor kid had been wearing pants.

“Mother… cocksucking… who designed this coat? What’s it made out of, titanium?” I muttered, tugging with all my might. Why wouldn’t the fabric just rip, for the love of everything holy?

“Who’s there—?” The deep voice behind me cut off with a strangled sound. “Macks?”

Oh, dear fucking Jesus. What god of fate did I piss off?

“Um, no,” I squeaked, trying—and failing—to shimmy myself back into my coat. My ass was all the way out, and given the angle I was bent at, Walker was getting one hell of a show.

Then a horrifying thought occurred to me.

Please, please, please let him be alone.

“What… on earth are you doing?” His bemused voice still sounded a little choked, an

d he walked around beside me, dipping his head to peer up at my face underneath the tent of the coat.

“Oh, you know, just some light elevator maintenance,” I answered as breezily as I could. I was so embarrassed I was sure both sets of cheeks were flushed red.

His face contorted, and I could tell he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

“Go ahead,” I sighed.

Almost before I’d finished the words, a chuckle burst from his lips.

I grimaced. “There’s nobody else on this floor right now, right?”

The humor faded from Walker’s face.

“No,” he growled, as he quickly reached over and pressed the elevator call button on the wall a few feet away. “But let’s get you out of here, just in case.” His voice roughened again as he added, “No one gets to see you like this but me.”

The possessiveness in his voice made my pussy pulse, as if his words had strummed a nerve directly in my clit—or my heart.

A second later, the elevator began to move. The tension on my coat slackened, and when the doors opened, I pulled myself free, settling my coat back in place and tying the belt at the waist.

But not before Walker got a peek at all the goods I was packing.

Only a few feet separated us as he gazed at me, and realization flickering in his eyes. It was the first flash of life I’d seen in them in a while, the first hint of the Walker I’d gotten to experience in the early days of our ‘marriage’. His cobalt eyes were tired, with faint gray circles under them from the exhaustion of pushing himself to the limit, but there was an interest in them too.

“My, my… Mrs. Prince, did you come here to seduce me?” He dipped his finger into the collar of the jacket, peeking in again. I playfully slapped his hand away.

“And what if I did?”

The look that spread across his face made a flash of heat flare inside me, and the thin, lacy fabric of my panties became instantly soaked. I felt like a prey animal that’d wandered into an open plain, only to find myself face to face with a predator.

An extremely handsome predator who wore a suit like nobody’s business.

All my embarrassment over the damn coat and the damn elevator melted away as desire flooded my body. I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth, and that simple movement broke the tension between us.