Page 23 of Say Yes

“You know what I love about you, Macks?”

“What’s that, Walker?”


We stood together in my mother’s library after a ‘family dinner’ my father had insisted on. Mackenzie and I had been dating for the last few months and both my parents were painfully interested in her. My mother genuinely wanted to get to know her, and my father wanted to size her up and make sure she was worthy of our family.

It was a dumb reason for him to invite someone over to the house, but I accepted it as another ‘perk’ of being Arthur Vance Prince’s son.

After the longest dinner in the history of dinners, Macks and I were finally alone. My father and mother had retreated to other parts of the house—mostly at my mother’s prompting. My dad could’ve happily grilled Macks for another hour.

I couldn’t help but wrap around her from behind. She smelled like strawberries and honey; I didn’t think I had ever met a girl who smelled so good I wanted to eat her.

She laughed as I pressed against her, pulling her tighter to my chest. “Everything? You’re just saying that because I survived dinner with your family.”

“I’m saying it because it’s true.”

She didn’t answer me. I turned her around, settling my hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

“I don’t think you understand.” My knuckles traced down the side of her face, and I loved the way her eyelashes fluttered in response to my touch. “I don’t know how to say it, Macks. There’s never been another girl for me. No one in that dumbass school gets me like you do… and I mean that. I don’t want you thinking it’s not the literal definition of the truth when I tell you that I—”

My words were caught off with the press of her lips against mine, and I sank into the kiss, sliding my hands down to her low back. It felt incredible. So intense. Raw and real. There wasn’t a girl in the world like Mackenzie. There would probably never, ever, be another girl like Mackenzie.

* * *

I managed to fall back asleep with Macks tucked safely into the crook of my arms. An hour, maybe more. The satisfaction of our coupling and our morning together remained—as did a soreness in a few key muscles that I welcomed wholeheartedly. It was proof of the night before. I reveled in it.

Unlike earlier, it was Mackenzie who stirred first. She shifted against my body, letting out a yawn. I ran my fingers through her hair as I willed m

yself back to consciousness.

“Hm… you’re still in bed,” she observed tiredly. “Don’t you have work?”

“I’ve decided to take a day off.”

She said nothing for a moment. After a few seconds, she chuckled. “What?”

“You heard me, Macks.”

“Wow. Did I wear you out last night?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“Hey, I gave as good as I got,” she teased, wriggling her ass against my hard cock.

I finally rolled her onto her back and looked down at her. Her eyes were turned up to me, still glazed over a little, whether from sleep or from the haze of last night, I wasn’t sure. Maybe a sweet combination of the two.

Smiling, I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Did you sleep well?”

“Are you kidding? I slept great.”

Despite the peacefulness in her face, the ease in her body, there was something under the surface that I couldn’t quite place. But I felt it like a chasm opening up between the two of us when Mackenzie sat up, pulling out of my hold. Keeping the sheet pinned to her chest with one hand, she ran the other through her hair and let out a sigh.

I recognized the tone of that sigh, the heaviness in it. There was something on her mind.

“Hey,” I urged, resting a hand on her sheet-entangled knee. “Talk to me.”

“We, uh… really did that last night, huh?” She cocked her head and pushed a piece of dark hair behind her ear, questions swimming in the green of her eyes. I licked my lips, choosing my words carefully.