“Yeah,” I mutter. “Especially since Reagan doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo about keeping things under wraps or being subtle. Fuck, she’s already tried to kill me multiple times. Alan straight-up told her that abducting me was a mistake, but she’s…” I grimace. “She’s so in love with him, some kind of sick and twisted obsession, that I wouldn’t put it past her to try again anyway. She thinks she’s helping him.”

As I speak, I think about going back to my dorm room all alone. Hawthorne’s campus is so fucking swanky and expensive that most of the dorms are single-occupant. They’re more like full apartments than classic dorm rooms, and I’ve always been happy about having a space all to myself.

Suddenly that luxury doesn’t seem so luxurious anymore. I cringe inwardly at the thought of sleeping there by myself.

The guys spend the rest of the drive asking me questions, hoping that something will bring up more memories that could help me convict Alan, but I come up blank. All I know is what I’ve already told them. I remember being in the bunker when I was younger. I remember Alan’s face looming over me. I remember trying to escape, and I remember Reagan being there, a little kid just like I was.

There’s still a lot missing. Too many gaps still exist in my memories, leaving me with no idea why I was in that bunker as a child.

But maybe if I paint enough, think enough, dream enough… something will come up. Anything that could help bring the entire Montgomery family down. Not just Cliff, not just Alan—but everyone who is involved with that twisted, fucked up monster.

When we finally pull into the school parking lot, I catch sight of Caitlin and Gemma getting out of her car. They must’ve gone off campus for food or something. She sees the five of us and casts us a withering glare before turning the other way to head toward the dorms.

My jaw tenses when I realize Reagan isn’t with them.

I mentioned her in my police report, but even if the police bother to investigate her at all after totally dismissing Alan, I highly doubt they’ll arrest her for anything. As I’m quickly learning, Alan seems to have the power to make shit like this just go away, and if it means protecting himself, he’ll protect Reagan too.

Maybe she ditched classes today like I did, nursing the injuries I gave her, but I doubt she’ll stay gone forever.

She’ll be back. And I’m certain she still wants to kill me.


By the time we get back to the girls’ dorms, Max looks about as exhausted as I feel. After all, she was kidnapped last night too. I still hate thinking about what could’ve happened to her just because Reagan wanted to get to me.

I give her a tight hug after we walk her back to her dorm room, and she squeezes me back just as fiercely.

“Be smart,” she tells me as she pulls away. “And be careful. Call me if you ever feel unsafe. I’ll sleep on your couch and kick ass when I need to. And I’ll do what I can not to get you dragged into any more danger.”

I try to smile, but it’s more of a grimace. My emotions are so raw that it’s impossible to fake them at this point. “It wasn’t your fault, Max.”

“I know. It’s that crazy bitch Reagan and that asshole Alan.” She nods, but her eyes shimmer a little as she disappears behind her door, likely wanting to crawl into a shower and then bed.

I stare at the door for a few seconds, then let out a quiet sigh as I glance at the guys. “Do you think she’s going to be okay?”

Elias nods. “She will be. She’s the second-toughest woman I know.”

“And she’s not in danger anymore.” Declan’s deep brown eyes are serious as he steps closer, catching my chin in his hand. “The worst is over for her, and Elias is right. She’s strong. She’ll bounce back from this after she gets some sleep and has time to process it all. You’re the one you should be worried about.”

I am.

I’m scared shitless. Not just for myself, but for the people

I’ve come to care about. The ones who are getting pulled into this insane, twisted mess with me. How am I supposed to protect them when I’m not even sure I can protect myself? I’ve never felt helpless before, but against Alan Montgomery, I don’t know how the hell I can possibly win.

Saying all of that out loud will make it too real though, so I don’t respond to Declan’s remark. Instead, I just turn and start walking down the hallways toward my own dorm.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gray stops me in my tracks with just his voice.

I glance behind me. “Um. Back to my room.”

I figure I’ll shower again, shove a bunch of furniture against my door, down several shots of whiskey, and try to pass out. Try to pretend for a little while that none of this is real—that my life as I know it isn’t over.

“It’s not safe for you there,” Gray says, watching me steadily. He crosses the small distance between us, his arms coming up to cage my elbows. “Too risky. Especially with Cliff on campus, and Reagan.”

Elias nods, his expression as serious as Gray’s. “She might be lying low for now, but she tried to kill you, Blue. She wanted to kill you. You said it yourself.”

“And Alan knows that you remember,” Declan adds. “Even if going to the cops gave us a bit of insurance against him, he’s not gonna rest until he’s sure he’s safe from exposure. He may be the big bad wolf, but he’s afraid of you. And that makes him even more dangerous. We’re not going to let you stay alone in your dorm anymore. It’s too damn risky.”