There’s a flash of something across his face, almost like disbelief but not quite, and it gives me the feeling that he knows there’s more to my recovery than just sleeping and a shower. His room is right down the hall from mine,

so it’s entirely possible that he heard me fucking Levi this morning.

I’m not quite sure what to do with that, to be honest. I’m not ashamed of it, of course, and no one made him listen to us if that’s the case, but it still feels odd, especially considering how close Rory and I have been growing over the last couple of weeks.

But working through those feelings in front of him seems like a very bad idea. So instead I just smile at him, barreling on ahead and ignoring the elephant in the room like I do best.

“I don’t remember a lot about last night,” I say. “But I do remember you were there.”

“Well, yeah. We were all there,” Rory replies. “And you were… definitely not yourself.”

I make a face, because I don’t even want to know what all I did last night. It’s all fuzzy in my head, and if what Levi said about how I kept trying to get his clothes off and refusing to put mine on is true, who knows what I did before that?

“Yeah. I really wasn’t. Anyway, thank you,” I continue. “For being there and taking care of me last night. I remember you getting me in the car and up the stairs. I was a mess, and you weren’t a dick about it, so… I appreciate that.”

I eye him for a moment and then lean closer, going onto my toes so I can lean up and kiss him, just a light peck as a real thank you because I do appreciate it. Being out of it like that is dangerous, especially in the wrong company, and weeks ago, I definitely would’ve considered these guys the wrong company. But they didn’t try anything, didn’t take advantage of my fucked up state. They just brought me home and got me to bed, and that really does mean a lot.

My lips brush Rory’s, and I go to pull back.

But before I can, he has his hands on my arms, holding me tight. He drags me in closer and deepens the kiss, mouth smashed against mine and tongue slipping into my mouth.

He kisses me like he has a purpose, and that purpose seems to be to get Levi out of my system.

Maybe I should fight it… but I don’t. I can’t. Not when I’m too busy melting into his kiss and making a soft noise of enjoyment that only seems to spur Rory on more.

With a graceful little movement, he turns us so he can push me right up against the fridge, almost slamming my back into it in a way that’s more sexy than painful. I’m caught between the hard planes of his solid body and the refrigerator, and I know I’m not going anywhere until he’s done with me.

The kiss turns deep and exploring, and my tongue darts out to dance with his. My eyes slip shut, and I let out a shuddering breath into the kiss that just makes him draw back enough that he can nip at my bottom lip with his teeth.

I suck in a short gasp at that, and he kisses the sting of it away before drawing back entirely, giving me room to breathe again.

Those green eyes of his roam over my face, taking it in. I’m sure my pupils are dilated. My face is definitely flushed, and my chest is heaving while I try to catch my breath after that soul-stealing kiss.

Rory just grins, and it’s such a charming and sexy smile that it makes me want to drag him in for another kiss on top of the first one.

The smug asshole.

He nods in satisfaction and steps away completely, leaving me leaning weakly against the fridge.

“You’re welcome,” he says belatedly. And then he walks right out.

He doesn’t make coffee or get a snack or anything, so clearly he came in here for the express purpose of flustering me in the middle of the day. It takes me a good few seconds to remember what I was even doing, and I’m glad I didn’t turn on one of the stove burners before he came in and did all that.

I might have burned the fucking house down.

Trying to get my head on straight, I shake myself and push away from the fridge, opening it and staring inside for a second before I grab the ginger I was going for in the first place.

Fuck. One kiss wouldn’t normally be enough to have me all scattered and distracted. Even if it was a really good kiss.

But nothing is normal when it comes to these three men and the way they manage to keep me continually off balance.

Shaking my head, I go back to slicing veggies, trying to focus on the task at hand so I don’t accidentally chop my finger off or something, but my mind is a swirling mess of thoughts.

I thought I had a solid plan when I came to live in this house. I thought I could handle this shit. But between the phone call with my dad last night and everything that’s happened since, I’m beginning to realize a terrifying truth.

I’m in way over my head here.