Page 75 of Thicker Than Water

When we’re alone with each other, it feels like nothing can touch us. Reece has awakened my mind, my heart and my body. I am learning new things about myself every day. I have moments, long swaths of time each day, where I feel invincible because I know I’m not alone anymore.

But standing here, on this balcony that may as well be the edge of the earth, I realize how destructible I am. I feel the vulnerability in every pore of my being.

I need Reece.

I walk back inside. He’s sitting on the plush brown leather couch, listening now instead of talking. I take a look around this suite. It’s more like an apartment than a hotel and it’s the definition of understated luxury. I walk over to him and he opens his arm and invites me to join him. I crawl onto his lap and lay my head on his chest. I hear the strong, steady beating of his heart. My whole body rises and falls with each breath he takes. And it’s like being plugged into an energy source. I feel my fatigue start to lift and my nerves start to soothe.

I used to lament being so short. But it seems I was perfectly made to fit him. After listening to Lacy talk for almost five minutes, Reece finally says, “You’ve made yourself clear, Lacy. But, we’re not going into hiding. We’ll be in Malibu unless being in LA is absolutely necessary.” She tries to cut him off, but he speaks over her. “It’s late here, I’m tired and hungry. And we can’t turn back time.” He listens again and then says, “Fine. Yep. Bye.” And hangs up. He immediately powers his phone off and throws it across to the couch opposite us.

He adjusts his position and my legs move to straddl

e his hips. “I thought she’d never let me hang up,” he says as he starts to run his fingers through my hair, gathering it into a ponytail in his fist.

“You were a very naught boy today, Reece Carras; you deserved that talking to,” I say to him, mock disapproval in my voice.

“I don’t regret it.” He leans forward and kisses the tip of my chin and then tugs softly on the handful of hair he’s holding, and looks at me. “Do you?”

“No,” I answer honestly. “They seem more interested in you anyway. They’re just referring to me as the author Reece Carras is seeing. No one really cares who I am. And that’s fine with me.” I’m surprisingly relaxed tonight. “You know, I’d been dreading all of the publicity and attention. But, I can understand how important it was for the movie and the story. Thank you for pushing me.”

“I’m proud of you. You did good today, Luc. And when we leave tomorrow night, we’ll go straight to Malibu and lay low for a while. In a couple of days, someone will break up, get married or post naked selfies on Instagram and they’ll forget about us.” He loosens his grip on my hair and I let my head fall back on his chest.

His big hands start to roam my back. Caressing, searching for spots of tension and then rubbing them until they disappear. I doze off several times in the twenty minutes we sit there. Each of us lost in our own thoughts.

We had to forgo our tour of Rockefeller Plaza earlier because of the media circus our presence caused. But even that change didn’t bring the disappointment I would have expected. I know that I’ll find a way to come back to this city. I feel unshackled. Reece has expanded my entire world. My heart is lighter. I’m less afraid and I see paths of ingress and egress where I hadn’t before.

Tomorrow morning we’re visiting Ground Zero and going out to see the Statue of Liberty before we go to see the site for what will be Artemis’ New York office. The company is buying one of the larger news networks and has started setting up shop in preparation for the move. It’s an acquisition that his father has been working on for almost two years, and the announcement has been causing waves in the entertainment world. Lots of discussion about the independence of news and what will happen once it’s owned by a company that is profit driven. Reece told me today that his father wants him to run the office, but he’s not sold on the idea, especially if he decides to run for political office.

“You’re tired?” Reece murmurs, his warm breath tickling the fine hairs on the side of my face. I reach up and caress the back of his neck, let my fingers run into his hair. He presses warm, open mouthed kisses on my neck.

“Yeah, a little, but I don’t want to sleep. Let’s go sit out on the balcony and watch the city . . . can we?”

“Your wish is my command, Fifty.”

“This nickname is devolving, Reece. I’ve stopped signing with my initials because of you. I’ve been horrified at the idea that there’re a bunch of people who I email that are calling me Fifty-five behind my back.”

He laughs and lifts me off his lap as he stands up. “Your imagination is pretty out of control there, Fiddy.”

I dissolve into giggles at this, and he takes my hand and pulls me up to standing. “I’ll grab the Glen Fiddich, you grab the glasses. Meet you outside.”

I go to the suite’s little micro kitchen and grab two tumblers and walk outside. It’s a cold November night, but the heat lamps on the deck make it possible for me to be comfortable in just a Henley and pajama bottoms.

Reece settles onto a chair and puts the things he’s carrying on the table in front of us. Along with the bottle of whisky, he’s also got a tube of lube and a dildo I’ve never seen before. I feel myself clench at the sight of them.

I have turned into a sexually insatiable woman. Reece and I fuck all the time. I can’t get enough of his cock in my mouth, in my pussy. I hadn’t had him in my ass yet. But tonight, I think I’m ready. New York City makes me feel like testing my limits.

Reece pours us each two fingers of whisky and then beckons me to come to him. I sit, my back to his chest, my legs bent at the knee, my feet perched on his thigh. We sit there silent as we take in the noises, the lights and each other.

When we’re in Malibu, Reece and I usually end our evenings outside. Sitting and listening to the ocean as it plays us a symphony of cresting, crashing and receding waves. I take a sip of my drink and savor the burn as liquid travels down my throat, warming me from the inside out.

Reece pushes my hair forward and starts to feather kisses on the slope of my shoulder where it meets my neck.

“I love you.” The three words that his actions have been telling me for weeks, fall out of his mouth in supplication. My heart flutters, and I feel myself grow wet as a throb comes to life between my legs. He kisses the base of my neck and my head falls backward, blanketing him with my hair.

Before I can respond he says, “This trip has been amazing. I’ve loved being here with you. I feel fucking invincible with you by my side. And I wanted the whole world to know that we’re a team. In every way that matters. The last two months have been incredible. He continues kissing his way up. I turn my head, and lift my arm to wrap around his neck.

“And I love you, Reece.”

“Fuck, yeah you do,” he says against my lips before he claims them in a kiss that I feel straight down to the tips of my toes. I can feel him filling me with his kiss, healing me with it. The ache that lives in my heart disappears when Reece kisses me. The worries that plague my daily life vaporize as I completely immerse myself in the experience of sharing my love with this man.