Page 69 of Thicker Than Water

Omar speaks before we can. “You’re undocumented?” he asks her, looking back and forth between us.

Her face drains of color when she realizes that in her rant she’s given herself away. She doesn’t want it to be public knowledge. That’s why she wrote under a pen name. It’s why she has avoided publicity.

She lifts her chin at Omar defiantly, but even I can see that she’s not feeling the bravado she’s trying to put on.

“Yes, I am.”

He looks at me. “Reece, you knew? And you’re employing her? That’s illegal,” he whispers at me.

My hackles rise. I hunch my shoulders and look down at the table before I speak. I choose my words carefully. “Omar, you need to watch it. Don’t cross a line we can’t come back from, man.” I don’t look up at him.

He doesn’t back down. Instead, he gives me a dismissive glance before turning back to Lucía.

“What are you even talking about? I’m stating facts. And you know how I feel about this already. I’m sure she’s a great woman. But she’s still illegal.”


“Reece, it’s okay.” Lucía touches my arm and shakes her head. I hadn’t even realized I’d stood up. I sit back down. Trying to respect her, but what I really want to do is to make his other eye black and maybe knock out some of his teeth.

I look him dead straight in the eyes and tell him, “I’m sitting down, out of respect for my woman. But if you speak about her like that, one more time, you and I can take it outside.”

His jaw drops, not because he’s afraid of me kicking his ass, but because I just threatened to kick his ass. And because of a woman, at that. He knows that fighting is a last resort for me. I’m not a violent man, but when it comes to Lucía, I want to fuck up everyone who disrespects her. Everyone, not just Omar. The table is quiet while they take me in. Omar’s face drops and he runs a hand over his face.

“Reece, I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean any disrespect. Lucía, it was nice to meet you. I mean that. I’m sorry that we’re just so far apart on this issue. But, Reece, you’re my brother and you know I’ve got your back. I’m going to get out of here now.” He stands up without saying anything else and leaves.

“Fuuuuuck, man. You guys know how to kill a buzz,” Dave groans. He sits up and pulls his cap off and runs his hands through his dark red hair before he puts it back on. “I was nice and buzzed when I came in here. Now I’m stressed the fuck out.”

He looks at Lucía. “Omar’s an asshole. But he’s our asshole. He may talk shit, but he’s loyal as fuck. He’s had a rough week. Try not to hold it against him.” He rubs his hand together in glee. “If you want, I’ll kick his ass for you.”

We all laugh at that. Dave is at least four inches shorter than Omar, he’s also about fifty pounds lighter. He’s a violinist and he’s got the most beautiful hands I’ve ever seen—on a man or a woman. He sleeps with gloves on. He won’t even attempt to open a jar that’s tightly sealed, much less fight Omar.

“Anyway, I’m getting out of here. Going to hit up my girl and then get some practice in. I might come out to Malibu if you don’t get back to LA soon, Lucía. We need to hang out.”

He gives me a pat on the shoulder, throws some bills on the table and then saunters out.

“Well, I’m ready to go home,” announces Jessica. She looks at me and says, “You should be careful how you choose your friends.” The combination of too many cocktails and her anger makes her accent, which is normally very subtle, more pronounced.

“Hey, Jess.” Lucía gives her a hug so their heads are touching. “Omar feeling that way doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. He was honest, said what he felt and he allowed me to do the same. Yes, I wish he didn’t see things that way, but as long he doesn’t try to hurt me, I have no reason to dislike him.”

She’s an amazing human being. “I’m so crazy about

you, Lucia.” I say, inserting myself into their conversation and clearly surprising them both. She and Jessica both look at me, mouths agape.

Her mouth opens and closes a couple of times. Jessica grins broadly. “Oh, Reece…” she sighs, turning the soft “c” at the end of my name into a “z.”

Lucia slides in her seat so that she’s pressed against my side. She brings her hand up to cup my cheek and says, “Can you take me home? We’ve all had a long day.”

If Omar had still been there I might have made his other eye black. There go my plans for tonight. I’ve been building up to it all day, but I can tell she’s tired. It’s been an emotional day; I should have known she’d be tired when it was over. I feel my cock start to lose interest and I say a silent apology to it before I answer Lucía.

“Of course, I’ll take you back to Malibu tonight.”

She looks up at me through her eyelashes. A small, shy smile plays about her mouth. She leans close to me and whispers so that only I can hear. “Can I stay with you tonight? I was thinking that since it’s so late, maybe you could take me back in the morning? We’d have to leave early, but. . .” She bites her lip nervously. “What do you think?”

As if I’d say no to that. “I think it’s the best idea I’ve heard in months.”

She laughs and looks back at Jessica. She’s drooped over in her seat and looks like she could fall asleep right there. I make a note to ask Lucía about her later. I think every time I’ve seen her, she’s been totally smashed.

“Let’s get her home,” I echo to Lucía, and she nods. Jessica scoots out of the booth. I try to take her arm, thinking she needs the support. But she pulls her arm out of mine. “I can walk just fine,” she huffs indignantly and walks out ahead of us.