Page 83 of Thicker Than Water

My dad stands up, too. “I’ll walk you out, son.” And we leave the room together.

“I’m sorry about Coco interrupting us. I’ve been working on something, Reece, and I need you to fly to New York this afternoon to get the ball rolling. Clarissa’s looking for flights as we speak.”

I stop and look at him. “Today? Now? The screenplay is being handed over officially on Wednesday. I have things to deal with here.”

“Reece. You are the president of the film studio, not Lucía’s social worker. She doesn’t need you here to help her hand over her work and she doesn’t need you to take her to see a lawyer. You need to remember your priorities and your obligations. Think about your family and the legacy we’ve built. This thing you’re doing with her could bring a very uncomfortable spotlight on Artemis. We’ve tolerated your activism, hell, I even support it. But not at the expense of things that are really important.” I’m too shocked to respond and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

“Son, I know you’re feeling things now. But you need more than love to build a successful marriage. You’ll find that with someone who’s better suited. Trust me. I had a beautiful, sexy girl who let me walk on the wild side for a while before I met your mother. But I did my duty to my family. I married well and your mother and I have had a very good marriage. She’s been a real partner. She hasn’t held me back in any way. This woman’s going to hold you back. I know why you want her, but you have to decide if it’s worth it.”

If he’d punched me in the face, I don’t think I could have been more surprised. I didn’t know that he only “tolerated” my activism. I’ll clearly need to work this out on my own. I can see now that neither one of them really want Lucía to be a permanent part of my life. And that is not an option for me. I don’t just want her, I need her. I love her. She’s changed my life.

I give him a curt nod.

I look at him, as if seeing him for the first time. The disappointment I feel, is crushing. But all I say is, “I understand. I’ll go to New York.” I then turn and leave to head to the office. I’ve got a lot to do.



Reece has been in New York City since Monday. He left while I was sleeping and I haven’t seen him since Sunday night. This morning, he called to say he’s extending his trip for one more day. He wouldn’t be back until Friday. The project he went to work on needs more time. He sounded so happy when we spoke that I didn’t want to tell him about my conversation with the lawyer.

She’d been able to squeeze me in on Monday afternoon. I left her office with a chasm in my heart as wide as the Grand Canyon. I’d wished that I was the kind of person who could bury my head in the sand and pretend that everything was fine.

What she told me devastated me. I don’t have any good options. My DACA application is still pending. She’s seeing a trend of the revocation of the status of vocal immigration activists since February of this year. She thought it likely that ICE was already aware of my status and was just waiting for the application to be denied before they pounced. My heart leapt into my throat. Fear, real and potent, chilled me.

She advised me to voluntarily depart. That it would increase my chances of being able to re-enter. I’d be barred from even trying to re-enter for three years. And there was no guarantee they would grant my request when I made it. Yet, it was my best hope. There were no other options for me to stay in the United States legally. When I was leaving she gave me her card and told me that I should call her if I got into any trouble and that she could help me with the voluntary departure process. I thanked her and left.

Three years. I’d have to find a way to live in a foreign country for three years. I wonder if my mother will come with me. I certainly have the money to support us. I could get us a house; I could still write. I don’t have to be here to publish my books. The screenplay was done, I’m sure everything else that needed to be done could be done by email or over the phone. I could leave. But I can’t leave Reece. Not for three years. What would happen to us?

Dan, Todd and I submitted our screenplay this morning, signed all the paperwork and then went out for a celebratory drink. I’m going back to Malibu to get my things. With Reece gone, staying there alone hasn’t felt comfortable. And with the screenplay done, it’s time for me to go back to Los Feliz. I need to tell Jessica and my mother everything that’s happened and I’m dreading it.

My driver drops me off and I ask him to come back in the morning. I need to pack and clean and I think I’ll be here for hours, so I might as well spend the night. And that’s how I spend my day. When Reece calls, for the first time ever, I don’t answer. I can’t make small talk right now and I want him to come back from New York so I can tell him this face-to-face.

My whole world is crumbling. I can’t believe it’s come to this. I know that I can’t expect Reece to wait for me. The lawyer’s words are starting to swirl in my head, and I put on my headphones and go for a run on the estate. I’ll miss it here, but it was all just a temporary escape from my reality.

* * *

When I get back from my run, I see a car I don’t recognize in my driveway. I feel a flick of alarm when the door opens as I approach. Coco steps out and I feel my stomach drop. I’m suddenly acutely aware of how alone I am here. There’s not another soul within shouting distance.

He leans on the doorframe grinning at me. I haven’t seen him since that day in the boutique. The smile on his face is sinister and I stop my approach and make a stand. “What are you doing here, Coco?” I say, trying to sound like I’m only annoyed. My heart is beating wildly in my chest,

“You and I need to talk,” he says in a singsong voice.

“Can we do this at the office in LA? I’m expecting someone soon,” I say, hoping he’ll leave.

“It won’t take long,” he returns.

“Coco, I’m not sure what we have to talk about, but I want you to leave. We can do this at work.”

Without warning he pushes off his perch on the car’s doorframe and walks quickly towards me. He’s even bigger than Reece and he’s moving fast. His facial expression changes from sinister to downright dangerous. Before I can decide whether to run or try to face him, he’s standing in front of me. He grabs my arm so tightly that I feel tears sting the backs of my eyes.

He drags me toward the car and pushes me roughly against it so I’m facing him. He steps into me, pressing me back, his body flush with mine. And I go from being alarmed to being terrified. “Coco, stop.”

“Shut up. You’re a fucking cock tease. You smiled at me and then dumped me when you found out Reece wanted to fuck you, too.” He seethes into my face. I am trying to not let my fear show. “Well, now I know all about you. I know your secret, and if you want me to keep quiet, you’re going to start being really nice to me.”

I can’t restrain my whimper when I feel him rub himself on me. He’s hard and he has me pinned there with his full body weight. I start to struggle. I’m not going to stand here and let this happen. I land a blow on his shin and he steps back and howls in pain. I take the chance to dart past him, but he grabs my wrist and throws me back against the car. My head hits the doorframe and I feel dizzy. I feel the sting from the open palmed slap he gives me before I even see his hand move. He presses himself against me again. Pinning me in place with the full weight of his body. He licks the side of my face. “Oh, don’t worry. I don’t want you right now. You stink,” he says putting his nose in my hair. “I’ll be back for you tonight. Take a shower and cook me something. And if you even think of not being here, I’ll have you turned in and deported so fast your head will spin.”

He brings his hand up and cups my breast, squeezing it painfully. “I know why Reece is so addicted you. But he’s just fucking you.” I flinch. “Aww, what? You thought you were going to marry Reece? People like him don’t settle down with people like you.” He chuckles. “Don’t worry, you’ll see how good I’ll make it for you. I promise you’ll like it.” He thumbs my nipple and I have to bite my lip to contain my plea for him to stop. I won’t give him the satisfaction.