Page 67 of Thicker Than Water

I loop my arm around his waist and we walk back to the bike, then start to strap on our helmets. Reece sits down and just as I start to climb on behind him, he stops me. “Thank you for coming here with me. Today has been one of the best days I can remember in a long time.”

I smile at him, knowing that my eyes are holding nothing back. “Ditto.”



“Reece. You’re embarrassing yourself, man.”

I glance at Dave and shrug. We’re at dinner at Ponte in Venice. The food and drinks are phenomenal and it’s a local eatery that’s casual and easy. Lucía and Jessica just got up to use the bathroom and I’m watching her walk away. Her hips have this great swing to them that gives her a bounce when she walks.

“You just wish it was you.” I go back to watching Lucía as they disappear down the dimly lit corridor where the restrooms are.

“Hell yeah, I do. She’s fucking hot,” Dave says.

“Yeah, and she’s a little young for you, old man.” He ribs me with his elbow. “How old is she, eighteen?” I slant a glance at him and grin.

“Hell yeah, she’s fucking hot. Most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And she’s twenty-three.” And they all laugh out loud. I laugh too. I sound whipped. But that doesn’t bother me. Lucía could be fifty-three and she’d still be the woman I’m crazy about. Yeah, she’s young, but she’s got more emotional maturity than almost anyone I’ve ever met.

Lucía’s lit from within. She’s brave, brilliant and totally out of my league.

In LA, in the business, women like her are like myths. I want to be like Jay-Z and shout, “I got the hottest chick in the game wearing my chain.” Because she’s mine. She has been since she moved out to Malibu. God knows I’ve done my share of shit talking about them and their women, so I’ll take all the ribbing they want to dish, because I know I hit the fucking jackpot.

I look at Omar who is being unusually quiet. He’s been nursing one beer since we got there and has barely said a word. He also hasn’t taken his sunglasses off. In LA, that’s not unusual, but he’s wearing them to hide a black eye. He lost his mind and fucked his coach’s daughter. It’s been in the news, and it’s made his professional life a living hell. He got sucker punched by her brother a couple of days ago and he’s been laying low ever since.

“And you’re turning that book into a movie? Sort of different for your studio,” Dave says as he pops an olive into his mouth.

“Yes. So what?” I snap at him irritably.

“Easy, man. Just asking. Anyway, they’re coming back,” he says and then nods his head in the direction of the bathroom.

As they make their way through the restaurant, every single head turns to watch them.

Lucía’s wearing a long black sundress. It’s simple, but on her it looks like lingerie. She’s got her hair up in a messy bun that is just begging for me to take down.

“We’re back,” Jessica sings as they get back to the table. She’s a real party girl. You can tell she’s always up for fun and she’s been flirting outrageously with Dave all night and he’s been flirting back. But I know he’s not going to take it any further than that. He’s got a very serious girlfriend in New York and I think he’s planning on proposing to her soon.

Graham ambles back to the table, he left to take a call more than ten minutes ago.

“Sorry folks, I’ve got to love you and leave you. I’ve got a client who needs a FaceTime session to help talk her through a craving.”

I look at him and raise an eyebrow. “Since when do you do those?” I ask, knowing how covetous he is of his rare free time. He usually doesn’t take clients’ calls any later than three in the afternoon.

“Since this client started craving my cock, but is out of the country for work. FaceTime and my hand are going to help her get out tonight.”

Lucía chokes on her wine and Jessica laughs out loud.

“No one needed those details, man. You could have just said you had to go.”

“I did. You asked why. I answered.”

He turns to Lucía, his expression taking on a warm sincerity I rarely see from him. “It’s really nice to meet you. Good luck working with this guy, he’s a slave driver.” He takes her hand, places a kiss

on the back of it. She flutters her lashes and blushes back at him.

I roll my eyes. Graham and women.

“I’ll see you at the premier if I don’t see you before.” He gives both her and Jessica a peck on the cheek and then strolls out.”