“The way you eat... I feel like I'm intruding." He says wryly. He sits down across the table from me and unwraps his own little banana leaf packet of food. He peels each layer slowly, like he’s not sure if something’s going to jump out and bite him.
"This better not make me sick, Em, or you'll be sorry." He teases and I want to scream and tell him my real name. I regret lying, but don't know how to say it now. I also don't think it matters. Lilly's not here. Emma's the American with no baggage, she’s got cool job she's on vacation from. That's all I want him to know about me. He suspects there's more, but I can tell he doesn't want to disturb the peace by asking.
"So, Kojo is upset he can't drive Bambi back to Accra himself." He rests his elbows on the table and watches me eat.
"Doesn't he have work to do anyway? And don't you?” I ask him between bites. I know I'm eating like a total caveman, but the food is delicious and I'm starving.
"Slow down. You're going to make yourself sick." He says, eyeing me warily.
I only grunt in response. I eye his food and calculate whether or not he'll finish it and if I can eat what he doesn't.
"You're not eating!" I say to him. And he finally picks up his fork and takes a small bite.
His eyes widen and immediately fill with tears, "Bloody hell. That's fucking hot." He sputters reaching for his water bottle.
"No, don't drink water. That will only make it worse. Eat some of the rice that doesn't have any of the sauce on it,” I advise him, trying not laugh. Beads of sweat pop on his brow as he struggles to cool his mouth.
He takes a few more bites, beats his chest as if to dislodge something, and then takes a sip of his water. "Good Lord. How can you eat that?" he asks once he's caught his breath.
"What do you mean? It's delicious. I can't believe you didn't love it." I pout, because really, who doesn't love this dish?
"I'll find you a meal before you leave this country that blows your mind." I say, challenging myself.
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything as he takes another bite of the food. I eat, not stopping until my stomach protests its fullness.
"Let me clear up the food, I've got some other stuff to show you."
"Ooh, like what?" I ask. I've been in the hospital devoid of any entertainment, besides the old Mills and Boones books one of the nurses brought at my request.
"Hey, don't throw that away, I'll eat the rest later." I protest as he starts to ball up his half empty banana leaf.
"Whatever," he says under his breath. He puts the food aside. "Let's get you back into bed."
"Oh, I want to sit here for a little bit," I say, but it's only perfunctory and I start to stand up before he manages to reach me.
He reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a small bottle and the food is immediately forgotten.
"You found some?" I ask, wide eyed with surprise and delight, "Let me see!" I exclaim, wriggling a greedy, eager finger in his direction.
"Damn. So food and lotion, huh" he says with mock disgust as he drops the bottle into my hands.
"Oh, it's my faaaa-vorite. I am frah-eeking out!" I sing as I look at the bottle of Orange and Bergamot Body lotion from Molton Brown. I clasp it to my chest like the treasure it is, "Where did you find it? How? This is amazing. Oh my God, I might cry." I squeal, the words rushing out. I hug it to my chest and close my eyes.
"Good Lord. I don't know, but Kojo didn't act like it was a Holy relic when I asked him to find some for me."
"I can't believe you did this." I say, staring adoringly at the bottle in my hand.
"Well you've talked about it almost every day since you've been in here. I thought," He rubs his hand on the back his neck and ducks his head a little, "it might be a nice surprise."
"Oh, Harry. It’s more than a nice surprise. This is...you're a coconut." I exclaim, so excited that I could burst.
"A coconut?" He asks looking completely bewildered.
"It's a compliment. Don't ask me the origins, but in my family, it's a superlative."
"I'll take your word for it," he says dubiously before he snatches the bottle from me.
"Hey, I want to put some on. My skin feels like sandpaper." I whine.