I step towards her again, and this time I don't stop when she looks wary.

"Why do you think that? You have no clue what I want. And I don't think you have any clue what you really want either."

Her eyes, those beautiful, golden eyes, flare at these words.

“And you’re confused.”

"I am not confused.” she snaps. At the same time, she takes a step, I think unconsciously, toward me.

"You're attracted to me," I remind her.

"I’m not. You're nosey," she curls her lip at me, but I can see her fighting a smile. I want to laugh in delight and relief. I can't believe we're laughing together after the way the evening started.

"Fine. But you told me that our meeting was fate. Now you seek to deny this ‘fate’ you used as your reasoning for us to share our most intimate thoughts." I respond. I'm having more fun right now than I can ever remember having in a long time. And I've certainly never enjoyed a woman's company so much before.

" I didn't say that it wasn't fate, but fate was only for the conversation. Nothing more," she bites back, taking a step, I think unconsciously, toward me.

"I don't believe you," I return, knowing that my amusement is obvious in my voice.

"I don't care.” She says in a husky voice, as she takes another step, bringing us close enough to touch. We stand there, the only noise is the faint buzz from the fluorescent light of the elevator. Her eyes are squarely on my chest. She trails a finger down my chest, stopping at my belly button. Her finger traces a circle around my belly button and I stop breathing. I can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest and her hard swallow is audible.

I move my hand up her shoulder and onto the nape of her neck. It's warm and the tangle of curls my fingers meet are impossibly soft. I scan her face, taking in every single detail.

"Your make up is smudged and you smell like a brewery, but fuck if I don't want to kiss you."

She shakes her head and peers up at me, her golden eyes perplexed. "Does being a jerk actually work for you? Do you meet women by insulting them? I think that's the least romantic thing I've ever heard."

"I'm not a romantic. I'm honest."

She pulls her plump lower lip into her mouth and bites it. I watch as she assaults the soft flesh with her teeth. For the first time, I notice that she has a tiny gap between her two front teeth. The rise and fall of her chest speeds up and her eyes remain fixed on my lips.

"I want to kiss you," I repeat and her eyes widen, her pupils dilating slightly. She swallows audibly. "And I think that despite not kissing anyone for five years, you might want to kiss me too," I say softly while my hand massages the nape of her neck. I cup her waist with my free hand and marvel at how perfectly it curves into my grasp. Her shirt is thin and I can feel how warm her skin is underneath it. Her breath hitches as I let my fingers explore, drawing lazy patterns on her side as I watch her face flush in response.

"God. I do," she murmurs and steps closer to me. Only a few inches separate us now, but I need her closer. I tug her, not forcefully enough to move her, but so she knows what I want. She complies, taking another step towards me, but she keeps us a hair’s breadth away from touching. It's enough. I can feel her anticipation; it's rising with mine. I dip my head and run my nose up the side of hers. Her eyes close, and her lips part.

"Say yes," I whisper.

"Yes." The word drifts out of her mouth in a shuddered exhale. And despite the now sultry temperature in the space that's both trapped and freed us, she shivers. Before I can move, she tilts her head forward a fraction and our lips touch. Her tongue darts out right away and licks the center of my bottom lip.


My hand drags up her nape to the hinge of her delicate jaw and I caress it, coax it, until I feel the tension in it loosen.

"Let me make you feel..." I trace the underside of her mouth, "good." Her tongue darts out, and she breathes into my mouth at the same time she licks my lips again, this time more assertively.

I don't wait for her to make another move, and I capture her lips between mine. I revel in how soft, willing and open this kiss is. How intimate and natural it feels to be with her. She tastes like gin and soda and fucking fate. Her fingers flutter at my side before she sinks them into me, holding on for all she's worth.

We meld together, our mouths, our bodies, our breaths, everything fuses, and the kiss takes on a life of its own.

My hands skim her ribs, and I can feel the places on her thin cotton dress that are still damp with sweat. She gasps, and her nails rake up my back as I savor the feel of her - warm, soft, but so fucking resolute. My fingers dance up her torso. Her hands move, too. One grabs my ass and dives into my hair, holding me in place.

We kiss each other like we might never be rescued. Like we might die in the elevator and this might be the last time we ever kiss anyone again.

Her tongue slides alongside mine. If it's not the sweetest sensation I've ever felt, then I don’t know what is. I kiss her until it's not enough and I need to taste more of her.

My lips leave hers and trail down her cheeks, to her jaw and the soft underside of it. I nip her neck when she throws her head back to expose it.

"Oh my God. Yes. I've never...oh God," she whispers as she tries to fuse us together. Her body presses so close to mine that air couldn't pass between us. I can feel every single thrum, every demand she's making. Right now, I’d give her anything she asked for.