Addie’s talking about the time she’s been spending volunteering as a lawyer for a domestic violence charity in East London. Her eyes are alight with joy as she talks about it.

“Could you work for them full time?” Louis poses this question.

“It’s not really something I’ve considered. I have my dream job.” She returns.

“Is it really your dream job?” Cara draws out the word dream. “Could you do the work you’re doing now, happily, for the rest of your career?”

Addie sighs. “I don’t know. Honestly, it’s just all I ever wanted for years. It’s the only real vision I’ve had for myself as far as a career goes.”

She looks wistful and slightly sad; I don’t want that so I change the subject.

“So Louis, when are you pulling up sticks and moving to Paris?”

Louis and Cara glance at each other and nod.

“What?” Addie and I ask almost in unison.

“Well, we were going to tell you tonight, but since you brought it up…”

Cara pauses and look at Louis, her eyes shining with tears. They stare at each other like no one else is in the room.

Addie and I look at each other and grin. I am sure if we left right now, they wouldn’t notice. Addie reaches out to grab my hand as we sit and wait for whatever they are about to say.

“We’re getting married.” Cara burst out suddenly, excitement lighting up her eyes.

Addie’s reaction is instantaneous. She leaps to her feet and runs across the tiny living room to virtually tackle Cara. They dissolve into a cacophony of laughter and exclamations.

I stand up and walk over to my best friend. My smile is broad, and I know my eyes are full of pride and joy. I am not always the most expressive person, but with the people I care about, I can’t hold back.

I’ve known Louis since we were sniveling fourteen-year-olds, and almost fifteen years of friendship has only seen us grow closer. I have never seen him happier or more certain.

“Congrats, brother.” I reach out to shake his hand.

His hand grips mine, and we pull each other into a bear hug.

“Thanks, man. I can’t believe I found her.” His voice cracks on that last sentence, and I can only smile in response.

“Well, shit. I can’t either. You’re a fucking reprobate, she is a ballet dancer.”

“Don’t I know it, mate? She is way too good for me, but fuck if I’m going to do anything to remind her of that.” he says with a grin.

“So what’s the plan?” I ask.

“The only one there can be. I’m moving. The London Ballet has agreed to let me out of contract early, and I’m in touch with some of the producers in Paris. They need set designers here, too.”

“So you’re leaving me to face London all by myself?”

“I have a feeling you won’t be facing it by yourself at all.” He nods toward Addie and Cara. They are sitting, arms wrapped around each other with Addie’s head is thrown back in a fit of laughter. I pull out my phone and snap a picture of her like that. It’s how I want to think of her. Happy, lighthearted, and surrounded by the people she loves.

“No, man. Not at all. You’re not the only one who can’t believe his luck,” I admit. “It’s like finding something I didn’t even know I was looking for. She is amazing.”

“Well, fuck me. We sound like two Byronic idiots.”

“Byron was quite a hit in his day,” Cara calls over from the couch.

We all laugh, and I catch Addie’s eye. She winks at me, and I wink back. We are both happy for our friends, but this is more than we could have hoped for ourselves.

This is the start of something. This moment. I can feel it. I can’t wait for tomorrow. I know I’ve gotten her hopes up about what I’ve planned. It’s not really anything special. Addie likes to shop and she loves to eat, so we are doing both of those things all day.