“Are you inviting me to stay, Miss Dennis?” I pull her closer to me, smiling at her in a way that I hope matches hers from just a few minutes.

“Yes, if you can,” her hand comes up to cup my cheek, and she leans in to kiss me.

“Yes, pretty Addie, I can. But I need to take a shower. And…do you have extra toothbrush?”

“You’re in luck, sexy Simon,” she volleys back “I do.”

I lead him to the bedroom and show him around my bathroom. Once he has his towels and toothbrush, I grab my toothbrush and go down to my half bathroom to brush my teeth there. I know we had sex tonight, but sharing my night time ritual with him seems like something more intimate than I am ready for.

When I get back to my room. I hear the shower running as I crawl into bed—exhausted from our fucking and our conversation. I also feel lighter and more hopeful than I have in years. I realize this is the first time I will have a man spend the night in my bed.

I can hear Simon singing in the shower. I imagine waking up with him tomorrow morning, and I reach up to rub my little gold fern pendant. “Okay, I heard you and I did it.”

My last thought as I drift off to sleep is that this is better than any dream that might be waiting for me. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

October 11, 2014

I start to drift awake and know right away I am not in my own bed. I can smell that enticing peppermint scent. The memory of the night before comes rushing back to me.

Dancing with Addie, kissing her. Both of us unburdening ourselves. Coming home with Addie. Fucking Addie. I smile as I remember coming to bed finding her fast asleep, crawling in next to her and pulling her small, soft, warm body next to mine. Sleeping next to her felt better than I could have imagined.

I couldn’t believe how good it felt to tell my story. For her not to look at me like I was a piece of shit, but like she was proud of me.

I roll over to grab her, only to find her spot in the bed empty and cold. This jolts me awake. I look at the clock, seeing it’s just past 8am. I glance around the room and listen for any clues as to whether or not I am alone in her apartment.

I get up and call her name as I pull on my jeans and walk out into her living room. It looks like Addie. Bright turquoise pillows adorn a white fabric sectional. Dark wood floors are dotted with bright throw rugs in colors that match the rest of the place. She has a huge bookshelf taking up an entire wall, decorated with pictures of her nephew, her sisters, and famous city skylines. She has carvings I recognize as being from Ghana dotted on shelves all over the walls.

In the middle of the room is a beaten silver coffee table, a slip of paper on it. I walk closer and pick it up and read a note scrawled in dark blue ink.

Simon, I went for a run. I should be back by 8. You look so hot when you’re sleeping. Xoxo, A.

I smile at the idea of Addie stopping to write me a note before she heads out. It all feels so domestic.

I glance at my phone. I’d sent Kyle a text right before I went to sleep last night, and I see he responded with:

It’s about fucking time.

I can’t resist the urge to check on him and Henry though, so I send another quick text, asking what his plans are for the day and what time he needs me home.

I sit down on her couch and read her note about ten more times before I realize it’s almost 8:15am and she isn’t back. Would it be weird for me to text her? I mean, I am alone in her place, she went running, maybe she is hurt or something.

Just as my thoughts start to spiral in a crazy direction, I hear a key in the lock and the door opens. Addie walks through and fuck, she looks like she just ran a triathlon. She’s drenched in sweat, her hair is plastered to her forehead and neck, and her running shoes are caked in mud.

“Hey!” she trills out as she closes the door. I notice she is carrying a white bag in her hand and just as I am about to ask what’s in them, she lifts it in the air. “I stopped for brekkie. Sausage sandwiches,” she exclaims enthusiastically.

She slips into the kitchen.

“Hey, yourself.” I follow her.

“Thanks for bringing breakfast.”

I’m admiring the view her tight running pants are giving me of her ass, and I’m about to tell her I am much more interested in her than what’s in the bag when she turns around. I reach for her and her eyes narrow in knowing mock anger.

“Simon! Stop!” She says giggles, dancing out of my reach. “I stink; I need to shower. Eat, and I’ll be right back.” Before I can protest she ducks under my arm and out of the kitchen.

Oh, I am going to eat all right.

I follow her to her bathroom, and I can hear the water running already as I approach. I step in to see her back is to me. She has already stepped out of the pants and is pulling off her tank top and sports bra. Her body is incredible. She’s got curves, and I’m all about them.