Not that I would mind cuddling that ample chest of hers, but besides the fact that she’s a very pretty woman, there is nothing more there. The added complication of her being my neighbor has me seeing hazard signs every time she hints at wanting to spend time together.

I reach into my back pocket and stop dead.


My phone isn’t there and as I pat myself down, I realize, it’s not anywhere on me. I turn around and head back to the flat. I jog the entire way home, not wanting to be later than I am already going to be.

As I enter the apartment, Sharon is standing in the living room, her back to me. She spins around at the sound of the door opening and she has my phone in her hand. She smiles brightly at me. “I just realized you’d left this and was trying to figure out how to let you know.” She extends the phone in my direction.

I hear Henry crying in his cot and automatically start toward his room. She stops me with a hand to my chest.

“He just started that, I was on my way to get him when your phone rang. It was a wrong number.” I quirk my eyebrow at her; she answered my phone?

“I answered it thinking it was you trying to locate the phone.” She says quickly and then turns to head toward Henry’s room. Without turning around, she says, “Go on and get to the office, we’re okay here.”

I hesitate for a minute; I hate leaving when Henry is crying. But I shake myself. I’ve got to get to the office, and Henry is in good hands. I turn on my heel and leave.

As I walk, I look at my call log and see a number I don’t recognize. Sharon said it was a wrong number, but my mind immediately recalls a beautiful pair of golden eyes set in a gorgeous, oval face. My cock, sick of my hand as its only source of entertainment, jumps.

I’ve hoped she wouldn’t call. At the same time, I prayed she would. Every time my phone rang or buzzed with a new text, I jumped to pick it up. It’s never her. It doesn’t matter, I wouldn’t have had time to see her anyway.

The last three weeks have been crazy. I’d taken leave to find Henry a nanny, get his room set up, and make sure Kyle is settled. He’s moved in with me and while it has been a big help to have him around it has also, at times, felt like I’ve got two kids to take care of.

When I had gone back to work, I wished I’d never taken the time off. I’ve been swamped trying to catch up. On top of that, because of the high profile nature of my project, I have to do a lot of public relations events. I’ve even had to do a few client dinners. It’s all part of the job and I am grateful to have this kind of opportunity so early in my career, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. So, it’s fine the gorgeous American never called.

As I enter the tube station where I met her, a sense of regret at the thought that I might never see her again hits me square in the gut.

August 30, 2014

“This is nice. I’ve been wanting to try this place.” I say to my date, Jason. This is my third attempt at online dating. Cara signed me up after I lost a stupid bet about how an episode of the Golden Girl’s ended. I totally forgot Dorothy and Stan kissed. So now, I have to go on three dates. I’d figured it wouldn’t be so bad. Hey, I might meet Mr. Right. But now, I am convinced this particular site where all douchebags E-Harmony rejects go to sign up.

“I’m glad you let me bring you.” Jason says with an easy smile.

We are at Thai Silk, a trendy restaurant which has been a staple in its Waterloo neighborhood for years. Reservations are hard to come by and as I look around, I see why.

It’s like they feed your eyes before you even sit down. The walls are adorned with sumptuous silk fans in bright jewel tones. Huge swaths of fabric in royal purple, peacock green, and ruby are draped over screens that serve as dividers for different sections of the restaurant.

Our table has a great view of the huge windows which line the front of the restaurant. Jason has been a gentleman, when he can keep his eyes off the ass and tits of every single woman who walks by. At least he’s let me sit facing the street. I love people watching. I have to force myself to move my eyes back to my date.

He’s actually pretty handsome. We are both dressed up since we’re supposed to be going dancing afterwards. I have a feeling I’ll be too “sick” to do that once this meal is over.

He’s wearing a dark blue blazer and his white dress shirt is open, exposing his chest. His blond hair and blue eyes are the antithesis of Simon, which is exactly what I wanted. He’s good looking, but I don’t feel attracted to him. I shut that thought down and power forward. I will scrub that man from my brain, dammit.

His hand reaches across the table and grabs mine. “Penny for your thoughts?”

I have to stop myself from laughing. If he knew what I’m thinking, he’d be pissed he made the effort tonight. I guess I made an effort, too, though.

My dress, which is new, is shorter than I normally wear…but I’ve been walking a lot and running more than ever, which means my legs look great. And my 4-inch heeled, red sandals with one big strap that hugs my toes, crosses my instep and wraps around my ankle; they are hot and give me some height, which always boosts my confidence.

Before I can answer, he continues. “You look b

eautiful tonight, Addie,” Jason says as he rubs my hand.

“Thank you. You clean up pretty nicely, too,” I say, trying to keep the mood light.

Our waiter appears at the table seemingly out of thin air and startles both of us. This gives me the chance to pull my hand free. He takes our drink orders; I already know what I’m eating. I never go anywhere without checking out the menu on Yelp and tonight is no exception. Jason is not ready, so I have to cool my jets while he peruses the menu.

I take the opportunity to look around the restaurant. As my eyes sweep over a wall sized aquarium, I see the face that has robbed me of countless hours of sleep and a smile which has spurred me to countless solo orgasms.