“You can’t be certain,” I say, even though I am grateful for the dark so he can’t see my furious blush.

“Oh, I am sure, Addie. If we had met before, I could never have forgotten you.” He doesn’t stop walking, but he turns his head and looks at me and like they are magnets, my eyes are drawn to his. For just a few moments our eyes hold, and it is like this man sees me. Really sees me.

I am suddenly very uncomfortable. I have spent my entire adult life cultivating a persona. People see what I show them and that’s how I like it. Somehow, Simon makes me feel like he can see through the persona and that he understands something about me that I am not ready to share.

We both fall silent. But now, our walk is anything but quiet. I can hear the blood rushing in my ears and the sound of my heels striking the pavement seems amplified. We walk like this for another two minutes when he stops suddenly and points to a dark door. “We’re here”

I look at the door. There is no line, no bouncer, I can’t hear a thing. There is a small plaque on the door that simply says Subterranea.

I glance up at him. “Are they open?”

He smiles, pulls out his phone, and swipes his thumb across the screen. His hands are elegant and masculine at the same time. As he dials a number he clearly has memorized, he doesn’t take his eyes off of me. And I start to tingle. All over.

“Garrett, mate. I’m outside with a friend, she is meeting someone. Come let us in?” He hangs up and almost immediately, the door opens. And when it does, it’s like opening a door to a different world. Sound and light come pouring out and a huge man walks toward us. He doesn’t usher us inside, instead he looks at me. “What’s your friend’s name?”

I am startled by his abrupt question, but I answer, “Cara.” He looks at Simon and shakes his head before looking back at me. “She isn’t here.” Before I can even ask how he knows, he shuts the door in our faces.

Simon and I turn to face each other. I am confused, frustrated, and now legitimately worried about Cara. Simon grabs my arm again and forces me to walk back up the road. I dig my heels in, but I am no match for him. My resistance means he is practically dragging me.

“Wait, we can’t just leave, Simon. I don’t know where Cara is!” I hiss at him.

“She’s not in there, love.” He doesn’t sound the least bit concerned.

“How the hell do you know?”

“Garrett said so, if she was, believe me he would know. He knows everyone who comes inside. Maybe she changed her mind.”

“What if she’s hurt or something?” I screech. I don’t care I’m yelling at the one person trying to help, I’m worried about my friend.

Back at the station now, we stop walking.

“Listen, where do you live?” he asks.


Nothing about this handsome wannabe savior screams danger, but you can never be too sure. He grins, and I am glad he is still grasping my arms because I might have fallen over otherwise. His teeth are perfect, and his smile reaches his eyes and it is devastating.

“Well, I live around the corner. I have a car; I could pop you home” He offers with a cock of his head in the direction of what I assume is his house.

“I’m not going home. I am going to Cara’s house to see what the hell happened.” Even if I wasn’t going to her house, I am not going off into the night with a stranger. I don’t care how beautiful his eyes are, or that his grin is the sexiest one I’ve ever seen.

Just then, his phone dings.

“Ah.” He snaps his fingers. “Saved by the bell.” He gives me a quick smile before he continues. “Louis just sent Cara’s number. Why don’t you call her?”

As he passes me the phone, our hands brush and good Lord, I feel like I’ve just touched a balloon after it’s had a good, hard rub on the carpet. He must feel it too because he suddenly goes still. His arm stops mid-extension and my gaze rests on our hands. All I can think is that as large as his are and as small as mine look next to them, somehow, they look like a pair.

“Addie?” His amused voice interrupts my musings.

“Yes?” I blink up at him, momentarily confused.

“Cara’s number, it’s in the text message.” Simon says not bothering to conceal his laughter and places the phone in my outstretched palm.

“I know that.” I snap. I press her number and it starts to ring. She picks up on the third ring.

“Hello.” She is clearly asleep.

“Cara! What the fuck? I am out here waiting for you.”