Simon stops humming and starts singing. “If I had no more time… No more time left to be here…” A tremor, hard and undisguised, wracks my body.

His hands move from my waist up my exposed sides, tickling my ribs, his thumbs dip into the open sides of my blouse and brush the sides of my breasts as his hands, rough and large, continue their upward journey. They round up my shoulders, up the sides of my neck until they are cupping jaw, his fingers meeting at the nape of my neck and tangling in my hair.

He forces my head up from its position on his chest so that I am looking at him. The unmasked heat and hunger in his dark eyes sends a jolt of desire through me so acute I know if he touches me right now, he’d find my panties wet and my nipples stiff.

We’ve stopped dancing and are standing there just looking at each other. Simon dips his head so that his lips are a hairsbreadth away from mine.

“You look absolutely stunning tonight. I haven’t been able to stop looking at your perfect lips, your perfect eyes.” His forehead touches mine. “I want you so much. Can I kiss these perfect lips? Right now?”

His hushed tone only amplifies the urgency in his words, and I am powerless to resist.

I only nod.

Simon lowers his head the rest of the way and brushes his lips across mine, back and forth. Each touch makes me suck in a breath.

I don’t know why, but these kisses feel different from the others we have shared. There is an intent that wasn’t there before. His eyes are open and so are mine. We watch each other as our lips dance.

His thumb reaches up from my jaw to tug on my lower lip. He whispers, “Perfect.” And my tongue darts out to taste his tongue.

He groans and closes his eyes, tipping his head back. When he looks down at me again, I read frust

ration in his heated expression.

He glances around and then back down at me. I am dazed from the desire simmering between us and the tenderness of the kiss we just shared.

He takes my hand and leads me off the dance floor. We walk along the bar and down a hallway I hadn’t noticed earlier.

At the end of the hallway is a door that is guarded by a man who looks like a real member of the Secret Service. Simon says something to him in what sounds like German and slips him some cash. The man responds and opens the door to reveal a brightly lit stairwell.

“What is this?” I ask. The haze is wearing off, and I am wary now.

Simon looks at me and ducks his head close to my ear. He whispers so that only I can hear. “My friend has an office upstairs. I want to take you there. I need to be inside you, Addie. Now. Do you want that, too, baby?”

I swallow. I do. No question. As happy as I am that he wants to go there with me, we need to clear the air. So, I shake my head, as contradictory words leave my mouth.

“Yes. So much.”

He turns back to the stairs and starts to walk up, but I pull him back.

“First, we need to talk, Simon. I need to know why you’ve pulled back every time we have been together and why this time will be different,” is all I can manage. My heart is racing and my throat is dry. If he says no, I know that I won’t go any further with him. I want to tell him what I’ve been holding back, too.

Our eyes hold, I see him flinch, but he doesn’t look away. His lips purse and his jaw tightens and I am afraid he is going to deny my request.

The air around us is tense and heavy as we just stand there.

“Okay, beautiful. Let’s talk.”

I almost sag in relief. I want this, and him, so much, but I need to be sure that he is sure.

He kisses me lightly and grabs my hand to lead me up the stairs.

We walk up the stairs, Simon in front of me, holding my hand. Neither of us says a word.

At the top of the stairs is another door. Simon opens it and we step inside. It’s dark except for a light on a desk that sits in an otherwise sparsely furnished room.

There is a long, black leather couch in the corner. We walk over and sit down.

I am not sure how this conversation is going to end, but we are clearly both apprehensive about what we have to say to each other and about what we will hear, as well.