She takes a long sip of her drink. Her eyes close as she does, and I watch her as she drinks.

Even now, in the midst of turmoil, her beauty steals my breath. That freckle on the edge of her nostril teases me. That gold pendant is nestled against her throat and I’m jealous of it. I want to sniff the spot that nestles it. I look back at her face and she is watching me, too.

Before I can speak, she says, “Make this project a fucking success. Don’t let a single detail escape your notice. Take care of your family, but focus on this project. You earned this job. Don’t give anyone a reason to say otherwise.”

Her eyes are blazing gold bullion. This woman can have anything she wants from me right now. I can only nod as she stands and walks out of the cafeteria.

October 2, 2014

It’s been almost week since my weird run in with Simon in the cafeteria, and I haven’t seen him since. Avoiding him is not difficult; I have been working from my firm’s offices in the city. This is my first day back in Canary Wharf, and I am nervous about seeing him again.

On my walk from the tube I think back to that afternoon. I was so upset when he found me in the cafeteria. I was reeling from Matthew’s verbal assault.

As our conversation unfolded, I realized a few things. First: The best way to fight back against shits like Matthew is to be fucking great. Second: Simon going after him physically would only reinforce whatever negative stereotype he was harboring. Third: Simon was about to go looking for Matthew on my behalf.

Holy shit!

I know it’s stupid. Especially in the middle of all the serious things that were happening, but it was the third revelation that was the most profound in my mind. Simon was pissed off on my behalf. Simon likes me.

I don’t even know what to do with that information. Especially given how he has treated me. But, his first reaction to me being upset was to kick the ass of the person he thought had upset me. It doesn’t take a genius to know what it means.

And it turned me on—so much. And right away all I thought was; He cannot fail. I want to help him. So I gave him that speech, and I left so he could get back to work.

My day goes by in a blur. It’s not lost on me Simon doesn’t come to my office, and I don’t manage to work up the nerve to go to his. I’m buried under a mountain of paperwork Matthew seems to have unearthed in my absence and spend most of the day talking to their finance department.

Being placed in their office to review documents, is seen as the grunt assignment on the team working for Montiva. But, for me, it’s nice to be away from the ivory tower of LaSalle and Willis.

Canary Wharf has a very young vibe. It feels like a place where people come to get a fresh start. The air is ripe with possibility. I’m in a pretty good mood at the end of the day.

I am walking through the open courtyard which leads to the tube station when my phone rings. I see it’s my sister Lilly. I stop to sit on one of the many benches lining the area and answer the call.

“Hello,” I chirp as I answer. “Hey, sissy poo,” she singsongs back and it is so good to hear her voice. “Hold on a sec,” she says. When I hear the connection click, I know immediately this is not a going to be a pleasant call. She is adding Milly to the call. This is a strategy they use when they want to ambush me.

It is just as I predicted. They want to talk about the press conference proposed by Agent Walker. They want to do it and try to sound like they understand my reluctance.

“Addie,” Lilly speaks first, “We know you’re getting settled in your new life and your new job. So, we get it. You don’t want to dredge this up. But you were so young when he left. Things were not as black and white as the news reported. Dad wasn’t a thief, Addie, and Mom really needs this”

I cut her off sharply. “Then why did he run, Lil? Why did he wait until his children had left for school and his wife was at the fucking grocery store, and without so much as a hug goodbye disappeared into thin air? Is that what an innocent person does? I do get it, and I am sick of you and Milly treating me like I am still a kid. I am not doing a fucking press conference.”

I hear Milly’s sharp intake of air at my curse. I don’t care. I am so sick of them handling me.

“If you want to do it, fine. If you want to drag our name back into the spotlight and ruin my career before it starts and your own lives, fine, go ahead. Do you think the man who turned his back on us is going to give up his freedom because we asked him to? He couldn’t care less what we fucking think!” My voice is raised, frustration and anger clog my throat and my last sentence comes out in a choked sob.

Milly starts to speak. “Adelaide, I know you are upset, but there are things you don’t know. Things none of us know and things I think we need to give him a chance to explain. He was so doting. He gave us the world. He protected us from everything. Does it make sense he would just leave?”

I don’t say anything. I have nothing say. I know they believe this. I will just never agree with them.

Lilly’s resignation and fatigue a

re evident when she speaks. “Addie, we won’t do this without you, so if you don’t want to do it, it won’t happen.”

The sadness in her voice makes me feel a twinge of guilt. My sisters would do anything for me, but this, this one thing, I cannot do. If it were for them, fine. But they want me to do this for my father, and I will not do anything for him other than try to forget him.

“I’m sorry, guys.” I say and then mumble with my heart full of regret and sadness, “I love you.” Then I disconnect the call.

I sit there, thinking about my sisters and how they could possibly think appealing to that selfish, morally bankrupt man would be effective. I am sad, disappointed, and just plain tired.

I need some good news, so I call Cara to see if she wants to meet me for something this weekend.