He puts his fork down and sighs.

“No, he’s my sister’s son. She is in prison, Addie. She was wanted for a slew of crimes and was addicted to several illegal substances when she was found, pregnant and stoned out of her mind. Henry was born in prison, addicted to whatever she’d been on. When I found out about her and him, I immediately applied for guardianship. It was just granted and he’s only been with me for 6 weeks. His withdrawal phase was hard on him. But, we’re lucky. At his six-month checkup he seems to be hitting his developmental milestones. So, we’ll see how he’s doing in another three months.” He pauses to look at me.

I’ve got nothing. I can’t believe the story I am hearing.

He continues. “That afternoon I was with you, he swallowed something and almost died.” I inhale sharply at this. Simon looks me in the eye, like he’s trying to make me see something his words won’t be able to convince me of. “I’m all he’s got, Addie. I’m totally responsible for him.”

In an act driven by pure instinct, I reach across the table and place my hand on top of his. His gaze drifts to where we are now joined. Otherwise he doesn’t react. He just keeps talking.

“I didn’t grow up with anyone. My dad was gone before I was old enough to form real memories of him. I didn’t even have a picture. My mom was either drunk or high and had different men in and out of the house so often, I never even bothered asking their name.

“I was always big for my age and so by the time I was thirteen I was big enough to look out for Kyle. But my sister, I failed her. And now, she is just like my mom. And Henry is her son. I won’t fail him.”

I get the sense he’s not even really talking to me at this point. He may even have forgotten I am here.

Suddenly, his palm turns, and he grasps my hand. “Why are you here?” His voice is gruff. He looks at me and the far away gaze is gone. His gaze is intense and focused.

I don’t know why he is asking, but I answer with the truth. “I wanted to know who you are, Simon.” From the day we met on the Birdcage Walk, I have wanted to know who this man is. And just when I think I might be starting to understand him, I learn something that throws me for a loop.

He stands up and pulls me to standing, too. He pulls me toward him. “You are so fucking beautiful. I think you might be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I feel tormented by it.” His eyes are pools of dark chocolate and he looks desperate.

“Addie…” He says my name with gust of released air that blows over my face. We are standing toe to toe. He is so much taller than me that he has to duck to look me in the eye, and he does. “I want to kiss you. But I fucked up last time. I know I don’t deserve to kiss you again. But I want to. So much. Will you let me?”

I can only stare. His mouth is so close to mine. If I tipped my head forward our lips would touch. Would that be permission enough for him? I decide to find out.

I bring my head forward with my eyes still open and my lips touch his. It is like I touched a flame to a kerosene soaked pile of hay. We combust. I am no longer standing on two feet. Simon grabs me by my hips, hoists me up onto the table, and the kiss goes from my lips pressed to his, to our tongues dueling and our teeth biting and our lips sucking.

With our plates on one end and us on the other, Simon lays me down without taking his mouth from mine. Without any warning, he pulls open the shirt I’m wearing, sending button flying all over the room.

His lips leave mine as his tongue licks along my jaw down my neck, stopping to suck the skin under my ear. I am aflame. His kisses burning a trail over me. I know when he is done, there will be nothing left of me but ashes.

His hot mouth makes it to my breasts and he brings his hands up from my hips to cradle one. “Addie, I’ve been dreaming about your nipples. I jacked off in the shower today, thinking about sucking them.” He licks the skin around them a

nd they pucker in anticipation of his mouth.

I whimper as he blows hot air on the wetness he just created and moan, “Simon, please,” I am desperate for him. I’ve never felt a need like this before.

“Addie, baby. You never have to beg.” And with that, his mouth closes over my nipple and I almost scream. He moves to my other breast and his other hand plays with the nipple he just abandoned.

I am in heaven as Simon feasts on my breasts. I don’t know if it’s possible to orgasm simply from nipple stimulation, but good Lord, I think I feel one starting to build. I put my hands on Simon’s head to hold him there; I don’t want this to ever stop.

Suddenly, as if some devil of cosmic doom heard my wish, Simon stops. Abruptly. He pulls off me and snaps my shirt together.

“Simon?” My query sounds drowsy, even though I feel a growing sense of dread. “What’s going on?”

Then the front door swings open and a young man who could be Simon’s twin walks in only to stop dead in his tracks.

“Oh.” I say dumbly as I sit up and then hop down from the table. I am too embarrassed to look at either man, as I scramble to button the shirt. I am dismayed to find the only buttons remaining are two at the very bottom. I grasp the middle of the shirt as I walk, with as much dignity as I can muster, toward my purse and the bag of soiled clothes.

“Well, hello there,” says the man who must be Simon’s brother, Kyle. “Sorry to have walked in. I didn’t know you were having company Si, or else I would have called first.”

He walks into the kitchen, glancing at both us with a wide grin on his face. “I’m Kyle, nice to meet you.”

He is acting as if walking in on Simon with a half-dressed woman is an everyday occurrence. I wish I could disappear.

He puts his bags on the counter and grabs a plate. “What’s for dinner, Si? I’m starved.”

I glance at Simon. He is fastidiously avoiding eye contact with me. Instead, he is glaring at his brother with his jaw clenched so tightly it will be a miracle if his molars are not ground to dust.