August 30, 2014

Tonight’s business dinner in the city wasn’t as painful as they normally are. The partner of the private equity firm that is providing a majority of the financing for our project turned out to be a really nice guy. Some of these guys are total pricks and most of the dinners are spent hearing them complain about the rising cost of yacht maintenance or the decline of customer service on private jet charters. But this guy was down to earth, and like me, someone who made it on the force of his talent and hard work.

The food was excellent, and turns out we both are huge Man City fans.

We laughed a lot, and I know he’s happy about the pace of the project. It was a success.

I had just paid the bill when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and saw the golden eyes which have refused to leave my dreams alone for the last month. She was staring at me with something akin to awe in her eyes. I smiled at her, because fuck, I was happy to see her. Smiling must have been the wrong thing to do because her look of awe turned to one of disgust before she looked away.

It was only then I noticed she wasn’t alone. She was with a man. And from the way he was grasping her hand, they are more than friends. I felt an irrational anger as I took in the scene in front of me. When she looked up again, she caught me glowering.

When my dinner companion asked if I was ready to leave, I told him to go ahead, that I needed to use the bathroom and make a call before I head out. We said goodnight, and I sat back to watch Addie for a few minutes.

Her hair hung straight and flowing past her shoulders like waves of black silk. She is wearing a dress that gives me a teasing glimpse of her ample breasts. There is a gold fern pendant around her neck.

She was wearing more make up than the night we met. Her eyes look almost molten tonight. I think she looks gorgeous. But clearly, it doesn’t matter what I think.

I was sitting here, trying to decide whether I should just walk over to her table and say hi, or wait for them to walk by on their way out. I wanted to know what I did to earn the look of disdain she gave me.

But Addie decided for me. Suddenly, she was out of her seat and practically running in the direction of the bathroom. I sucked in a sharp breath because the dress she is wearing is so sexy, I felt an urge to throw my coat over her shoulders to hide her from the gaze of every man who followed her progress through the restaurant. Steeling myself, I stood up to follow her.

Now, I am standing here, her lush ass pressed against me. I am concentrating on not losing th

e battle to keep myself from growing hard against her. But fuck, it’s damn difficult. This last month I’ve been thinking of her, and now I know she’s been thinking of me, too.

She’s called me. The day Sharon had answered my phone. She heard Henry and made assumptions.

“Oh, Addie,” I whisper in her ear. “That was my neighbor and my nephew. I’m not married, or even seeing anyone right now.”

She relaxes slightly against me, but then tightens up again. “Okay, fine. It’s none of my business. Now, will you please let me go?” Her voice is curt.

I don’t let go, but I do allow some space between us. I can smell her—vanilla and peppermint. It’s heady. Between this and the heat of her body so close to mine, it’s a struggle to give her the space she clearly wants.

I don’t know what it is about this woman, but I do know I’ve been given a second chance to make sure she doesn’t slip out of my grasp. I’ve got to be careful though, because she clearly has walls up—strong and high.

At the very least, I want to see her again. I am insanely attracted to her, and I can tell, despite her protestations, she is attracted to me. The mutual feeling pulses between us, and I see her shifting from one foot to another as we stand here.

Fuck. I bet she’s wet. I want to trail my finger up her skirt to find out.

First, I need to figure out what the situation is with her and this guy. If it’s serious, I’ll back off. For tonight. I am a lot of things, but I’m not a poacher. I start cautiously.

“Look, Addie, I know you’re seeing someone. But I haven’t been able to stop thinking you about since we met.”

She exhales sharply, as if bracing herself, before she turns around to face me. The expression in her eyes almost kills any hope I feel. She looks tired, and not the least bit charmed by me. She avoids my eyes as she starts to speak.

“Simon, I am on a date, but it’s not going anywhere.” I have to stop myself from pumping my fist when she says this.

“But this…” she points between us with her index finger, “Isn’t going anywhere either.”

I start to speak, but she continues. “I am attracted to you. I’ve thought about you. Hell, I called you. But I’m very focused on my career right now. I don’t--”

I interrupt her and for the life of me, I don’t know why I am being so persistent. She has given me a very nice brush off.

“Then you have nothing to lose by letting me take you to lunch. My life is complicated at the moment, too.” I put my finger under her chin and force her eyes to meet mine before I go on. I want her to see how serious I am.

“I feel like I’ve known you for months rather than having spent a total of 30 minutes in your presence. I know you feel it, too. Can you deny it?”

Her eyes, luminous and golden, widen slightly as I talk and they tell me everything I need to know.