Simon sits across the restaurant with a man who looks old enough to be his father, he has his head thrown back in laughter. My eyes are drawn to the smooth column of exposed neck and I want to lick it.

Good Lord!

I shake my head and close my eyes to clear my thoughts. When I open them, Jason is looking at me searchingly.

“You okay?” he says.

“Yes, sorry. I guess I am hungrier than I thought. I’ve been saving my calories for this meal and didn’t eat much today.”

He looks at me a beat longer before he looks back down at his menu. I’m trying not to look in Simon’s direction, yet I can’t help myself. I can feel his eyes on me. When my eyes meet his, I swear I see a flare in his. He doesn’t look away. He looks as hungry as I feel, and unconsciously I lick my lips nervously. In that moment, I can’t hear anything. The whole restaurant disappears and all I can see is his face. He smiles at me, knowingly, but also very warmly.

And that smile, its warmth, reminds me of the woman who answered his phone, also very warmly, and the baby I heard crying in the background. I force my expression to one of disdain and look away.

Our waiter is back. Jason orders his food and then looks at me expectantly.

“So, Addie, what’s the combination?”

“What?” I’m confused. Did I space out and miss something?

He reaches out for my hand again and my traitorous eyes glance in Simon’s direction. I’m immediately sorry because he is sitting there, looking at us with eyes devoid of all their warmth.

“The combination to you, Addie. What will it take to get you in my bed tonight?

Now he has my attention. Does he think dinner at a nice restaurant means I’m going to let him fuck me? I am about to ask him what he means when he continues, “When I drop you off tonight, I’m going to come in. I want to make sure I’ve done everything I need to get you ready and willing.”

I snatch my hand back. I am not the queen of the quick and witty comeback. I know tonight, when I’m alone in my bed, I’ll have the perfect one ready, but right now all I can say is, “Uh, I’ve got to use the bathroom.”

I grab my clutch and stand up abruptly. He stands up, too, and is still standing when I practically run from the table.

I rush down the dark hallway intent on putting some distance between Jason and me. I hear foot steps behind me. I don’t think anything of it until a hand grabs my bicep. I know immediately it’s Simon. The heat flooding the arm he is touching makes me have to lock my knees to keep from swaying in his direction.

I turn around to face him, and for a minute I am struck dumb. Why does he have to be so beautiful? Why do his eyes have to be so hypnotic? I stifle the groan that wants to rip from my throat.

“Hi, Addie.” He says with a wide smile. I try to pull my arm out of his grasp, but he tightens his grip.

“Simon. Will you let me go? I’ve got to use the bathroom and get back to my date.”

“Oh. So it is a date, then.” He says and drops my arm. He looks disappointed and almost hurt. I, on the other hand, am totally bemused.

“Yes, Simon. It is. Not that it is any of your concern.” I respond tartly.

I start to turn back to the bathroom when he says softly, “Why didn’t you call?”

My head jerks back toward him, my eyes, I’m sure, full of the incredulity I feel. I stare at him. “Wow, you’re really committed to this act, aren’t you?” At that, I turn around again. This time, however, he grabs both of my shoulders and spins me to face him once more. He steps into my personal space, which brings us toe to toe.

“What do you mean? I am just asking for an explanation. Don’t I deserve at least that?”

With a mirthless, short chuckle, I respond, “I don’t know, Simon, why don’t you ask your wife?”

His eyes now mirror mine for incredulity. Wow, he’s good. “My wife? What are you talking about? I’m not married!”

“Okay, fine, your baby mama. Whatever! I called you. She answered your phone, and I heard your baby crying in the background.”

I expect protests, lies, or even him to admit he’s been caught. Instead, Simon releases my shoulders and doubles over laughing. He laughs so hard he starts to cough. When he straightens up his eyes are full of tears.

What the actual fuck? He thinks this is funny? Fuck him I spin, and this time I execute it perfectly. I start to march off.

Before I can take two steps, he is right behind me and puts gentle, yet intent hands on my hips to stop me from walking away. I try to ask him where the hell he gets off touching me. Before I can though, he pulls me back into his chest. He dips his head, brings his mouth down to my ear, and I feel his breath, like a caress, on my neck. I cannot control the shiver that racks my body as he whispers, “Oh, Addie.”