“Like what?”

“Like, how did he respond when you told him you loved him, too?”

I cringe. “I didn’t tell him that.”

Her frown deepens. “What did you tell him?”

“I told him I didn’t want anything right now. You know…because of Duke.” I wail mournfully.

“No wonder you’re panicking. That was a dumb thing to say.”

“I know,” I wail. My mouth feels dry and I grab a bottle of water and chug it back.

“Anyway, I think he has a date tonight.”

I choke on the water and put the bottle down to grab some paper towels to wipe up the mess.

She hands me a batch and tightens her grip on them when I try to take them.

“He’s on a date? Oh hell, no.” I stand up and start toward my stairs. I’m on a mission now.

“No, Beth,” Her voice is urgent and the conflict on her face strikes fear in my heart. “What’s wrong? Do you think I’m too late? That he won’t forgive me?”

She shakes her head. “No, nothing like that. Jeez…why does your mind go to the worst possible thing?”

“Are you really asking me that? Have you not been paying attention to my life?”

She shrugs. “Fair enough….so, It’s just a minor thing…and I know Carter’s really hot for you already. But you need better clothes and a hair cut. You kinda look like a Stepford sister wife.”

I look down at the beautiful but matronly pink silk housedress I’m wearing and grimace.

“I wouldn’t mind getting rid of this hair. And, you’re right about the clothes. They’re beautifully made, but they’re not sexy, right?”

Then I remember my financial situation and I groan. “I can’t.”

She grins. “Oh honey, I came prepared.” She nods back at the door and that’s when I notice her suitcases.

“I’ve got clothes, shoes and scissors and make up Not that you need much that.”

“Okay. Let’s do this. I’ve got a date to crash.”

“This is crazy, Beth.

I turn in my seat and scowl at Dina. “Well, if you think that, why’d you tell me about his date, help me get ready and drive me here.?

She rolls her eyes. “Because.I’m your friend. And I couldn’t let you drive yourself. Besides, I want you to get laid.”

I run my hands through my now chin-length, dark brown hair. “You think he’ll like the way I look?”

She gives me an assessing glance from head to toe.

"You look incredible. If he doesn’t you won’t have a hard time finding someone who does."

I grab her hand and squeeze it. “Come with me. What if his date is possessive and wants to fight me or something.”

She smirks and looks down at her wrist to check the time.“If you can wait for me to finish the call I have to make, I’ll go with you. You know I’m always ready to rumble.”

. I laugh and shake my head. She’s never been in a fight in her life. “He’ll be gone by then. And then we’ll have to break into his house to stop him from sleeping with her. This is easier.”