“You’ll see when you open that envelope. It was the only thing he owned from his life before me, and he wanted you to have it.”
“Yes. It’s yours. You might as well use it. No one will find you there. And maybe you’ll finally see Beth.”
“Ugh, Mom—”
She squeezes our joined hands. “Find out what happened. I know she hurt—”
“She didn’t hurt me,” I lie and clench my fists. Not in anger, but to stop myself from rubbing away the phantom pain blooming dead center in my chest
“Oh, Carter…” Her eyes soften, and she reaches up to brush a lock of hair off my forehead.
“I’m fine, Mom. Really.”
She nods, her closed mouth a tender smile.
I hate the pity in her eyes. I stand and head to the sink and busy myself with the pile of dishes I’ve neglected all week.
“I was just thinking that maybe you could sublet your place while you’re gone”
“Gone where?”
“To East Winsome.”
“I’m not going to East Winsome.”
“Oh, yes you are.” She comes to stand beside me, one hip resting on the counter with a determined smile on her face.
I pick up a glass that’s lined with something dark and crusted. I grimace, not sure what was in it. I decide it’s not worth salvaging. I drop it in the trash. My mother sighs the way she used to when we’d track mud through the house or when our dog pissed on her rugs.
“Carter, that’s not disposable. Oh! Dear Lord, never mind.” She grimaces and drops it back in the trash. She bumps me aside with her hip and washes her hands.
“This mess…it’s so unlike you. Your tenant is going to need a hazmat suit.”
“Hardy har, har,”
“Carter, I think it’ll be good for you. You’ll have it all to yourself, and you’ll be so far away no one could find you. And she who I shan’t name lives a good hour away in Winsome. You won’t see her unless you make the effort to. There’s a check from the insurance company in that envelope. So, you can live for a few months without your students.”
“I need to think about it.”
“Of course you do, dear.”
It’s not a bad idea. And after messing things up with Porsha, maybe getting out of dodge would let us continue our sponsor/mentee relationship from a safe distance.
“I loved it there. I felt like myself more than almost anywhere else.”I confess.
“I know, my baby.” She tucks an errant lock of hair behind my ear and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Just like you do behind the piano.”
“Yeah…I don’t know why dad fought me so hard on it.”
“I didn’t really understand either. But you were so good at both, and as far as bands go, drums are ubiquitous in a way the piano isn’t.”
“I played with the guys last night.”
“Really? How was it?”
“Great. They want to get back together. With me on the piano.”