“Oh God,” I groan and close my eyes. Can I pretend to be in love with him?
“No one has to know we have separate bedrooms. Once we’re married, we can go our separate ways. Each of us free and wealthy and free to live anywhere I want.”
Instead of feeling excited at the prospect, I suddenly feel like I’m standing on the deck of a sinking ship; If I stay where I am, I will surely drown. But if I jump into the water I’ll be chum for the sharks. Either way I’m going to end up in the water, and my chances of escaping unscathed are slim.
But I’m a pretty good swimmer and scathed is better than dead.
“We should get comfortable being intimate, touching each other, kissing… and who knows?” He raises his eyebrows, and his lips curl in a suggestive smile. His hand reaches out to cover mine and his thumb swipes the top of it.
Unease prickles and I pull my hand away. “I–I’m not going to sleep with you, again” I want to gag remembering that night a couple years ago when I had too much to drink and ended up in his bed.
“If you want something, truly want it, you’ll do anything to get it. And spending the next couple of years being who he expects you to be is a small price to pay for the rest of your life.”
He lifts his hand off mine and extends it for a shake. He smiles, and I hate the triumph I see in his face. But I remind myself I’m the one who’s getting what she wants.
I put my hand in his and make a deal with the devil.
Just like that
“Three years. That’s not so bad.” Duke signs the agreement before pushing the open file folder toward me.”
I don’t need to read it again, instead I sign where our lawyer’s red arrow sticker indicates and close the file.
Our lawyer, a guy from Houston who used to work for Duke’s father picks up the file and slips it into his sleek briefcase.
“If you change your mind about having a copy, just send me an email. Otherwise, I think we’re done.”
He packs up and leaves us alone in the small office he rented for this meeting.
“Are you sure we can trust him?” I ask.
“More than I do anyone local.”
I nod in agreement and pick up my purse. “I’m going to hand in my notice at Wolfe.” I wrote it six months ago when Duke and I shook on our deal. I’ve been waiting to get all the details straight and now, I can't wait one more day. I gave my two weeks notice, but am using some of the vacation days I’ve saved so I don't ever have to go back.
“Great. Ride with me to the airport, my driver will take you back to the office after he drops me off.”
“I can just catch a cab.”
He puts his hands on my shoulder and gives me a quick shake. “From here on out, we’ve got to make it look real.”
“I know.” I shake his hands off.
He sigh is long suffering. “Can you stop acting like you’re going to prison. Do you know how many women want to be in your shoes?”
“So you keep telling me,” I quip.
He pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket and hands it to me unceremoniously. "Maybe this will cheer you up."
I take it from him, snap it open, and inspect the ring he picked out. The four carat Asher cut diamond is gaudier than anything I’d ever choose, but it's exactly what Duke Tremaine's fiancé would wear.
“ We’ll take a picture in the car and post it. Get your dad off our case and get the ball rolling.”
He makes it sound so simple. I guess it is. We’ve made an agreement. Signed and sealed. “Okay. Sure.”