“Girl, you look like a fucking snack. He’s going to eat you alive.” She gives me a roguish grin.
I shiver at the thought and slip my feet into the sexy silver sling backs with the four-inch heel that I wore the night of the award ceremony. I’m just spritzing on some perfume when the doorbell rings.
“Since when does Uber ring the doorbell?” Dina asks.
“I haven’t ordered our Uber yet.” I walk over to my bedroom window and peek outside. There’s a black Cadillac Escalade parked at the curb in front of my house. And the first thing I think is that Duke is here. My heart lodges in my throat, but I try to keep my face neutral
“Hmm. I’ll go—” I turn to an empty room and hear her scream from our living.
I run down the short hallway of my apartment and skid to a stop when I her standing in front of our open door, holding a bouquet of flowers so big that it completely obscures her face.
“What’s going on?” I demand and then lean around her to peer at the man standing in our doorway. He’s huge and nearly fills the entire doorway. He’s dressed in all black and wearing sunglasses even though it’s dark now.
“He sent flowers, Beth,” she squeals the obvious and thrusts the huge bouquet at me.
I take them but put them down to question the man who brought them.
“Who brought flowers? Who sent you?” I ask him sharply.
“My name’s Tony. Mr. Bosch sent me to escort you and your friends to the show tonight.” He speaks with barely moving lips. How fascinating…
“You came for me? Because Carter sent you?” I ask him, saying each word slowly to make sure I didn’t misunderstand.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll drive you and your guests to the venue and make sure you find your seats,” he says in a clipped monotone.
“Oh my God! And he sent a fucking carriage!” Dina squeals and we link hands and giggle like preteens. My heart is off on a wild gallop. The lasso I had wrapped around my expectations comes flying off and they take off, too.
Tonight, I’m going to take everything the world hands me, and wear it like a technicolor coat of dreams.
“I’ll wait by the car, come down when you’re ready,” Tony says.
“Oh, I’m ready. Right now.” I grab my purse and my keys and walk hand in hand with my best friend toward my destiny.
Making it Right
“So, does she know you were at her wedding?” Dean asks from his perch on my desk.
“God, I’m sorry I told you that story,” I mutter and do one more push-up before I let my completely spent arms rest.
“Why? It’s a fucking great story.”
I shoot him an irritated glance in the mirror. “Yeah, it’s great that I sat in the back pew of a church ready to watch my girl get married.”
He shrugs. ”My wife was married before. Shit happens. Life throws us curveballs. But you’ve got your chance now and you’re taking it. So, yeah it’s a great fucking story. It’s how you got here. Your fans will eat it up.”
“I hope she does, too,” I don’t know how Beth is going to feel about this kind of attention.
But, I’m going to ask her for a lot so I’m wrapping it around a gesture I hope will show her how serious I am.
“Well, Milly’s going to die when I tell her you’re finally going for it. She’s slightly obsessed with yours and Beth’s story.”
“I’m glad you guys could make this show.”
“We wouldn’t have missed it.” He stands up and walks over to where I’m sitting and puts a hand on my shoulder.