I can hear his greedy mind turning. “Yes, if you’ll sign those papers now, I’ll take them to my lawyer and he’ll file them. And the money is yours.”

“And if I don’t? “ hH eyes my suspiciously.

“Then, I’ll change my petition to reflect that I’m seeking a divorce because of your adultery. And I have witnesses. Multiple.”

He glances at the check and glowers. “It would be their word against mine.”

I sigh impatiently. “Duke, you’re getting all the money I promised. And it didn’t even take three years. Sign it.”

There’s a flash of anger in his eyes before he looks down at the papers in his hand. I know right then, that I’ve won.

“How do I know it’ll clear?”

“When you sign them, I’ll send a wire instruction to my bank. The money will be yours tonight. ”

He falls back in his seat and his expression clears. “This is too good to be true. You’re leaving and giving me all that money?”


“And what are you gonna do?”

“What do you care? You’ll be rich. You can leave Winsome, too if you want.”

A light glint in his eyes. “And you have your rock star boyfriend. He’s lucky I didn’t press charges.”

I ignore his comment about Carter. “Do we have a deal, or not?”

“Yeah.” He signs the paper and slides them across the desk at me.

“Great. Thank you.” I drop them back into the folder and stand to leave the room.

“That’s all you have to say. What if we never see each other again?”

“Then, it’ll be too soon.”

He shakes his head at me. “You’re a cold-hearted woman, Elisabeth. You always have been.”

I smile at him. “You’ve never known what I am. And you never will.”



This changes everything

The doorbell rings when I have my beer soaked shirt halfway over my head. I pull it all the way off and peer at the clock. It’s almost 2am. Who the hell is coming to my house at this time?

I texted Jack hours ago before I turned my phone off so he wouldn’t worry, but I should have known he would.

I walk over to the intercom and buzz him up, unlock the door and leave it open a crack and then sit down to wait for him.

But when the door opens it’s not him who walks in, it’s Beth.

I surge to my feet, regret is a sharp knife in my gut. Her nose is red from the cold, and her lips are slightly chapped. Her dark hair flows freely to her shoulders and is flecked with snowflakes. She looks beautiful.

She yanks the cap off her head and pulls her gloves off and shivers. “It’s so cold here. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this weather. No matter how many layers I wear, I can’t seem to get warm enough,” she says through chattering teeth.

She turns around to hang her coat on the small hook behind my door and I notice that she’s trembling.