“Spoil sports.” I stick my tongue out at both of them and turn to look out the window.

I’m not even a little bit annoyed by their whining. I’ve always dreamed of family traditions like this and I finally have people to create them with. The sweaters were also part of my plan to take both of their minds off the families they would be missing today.

Dina’s dad went to Vietnam and won’t be back until the New Year. And so she came to spend it with me.

Joe’s son, of course was a no show. I wasn’t surprised, it fit the pattern. Up until the night before, he’d had been outwardly optimistic. When I called down to say goodnight, he said he was expecting his son to call no later than 7am so he could be on the road to Delaware and make it there for lunch.

I didn’t want to dampen his hope, so I kept my thoughts, and my plan B to myself.

At nine o’clock I went down on the pretense of giving him the sweater.

I acted disappointed when he told me that his plans to visit with his son had changed. I told him the car for the Bosch’s place would be there at noon and handed him the sweater, wrapped up in Thanksgiving themed paper.

He smiled, but his eyes misted over before he pulled me into a fierce hug and went to change. A minute later, he came out his room, refusing to put it on.

It’d had taken some convincing. But, I knew he was just busting my chops and I could tell that he loved what the sweater stood for. And so did Dina. I’d been so wrapped up in making them happy, I hadn’t spared a thought for what the rest of this day would bring.

As soon as the car arrived and called down for

us, all of the apprehension I’d been struggling with came rushing back. What would Penn say to me? His whole family knows the truth about us, now. Would there be people there who didn’t?

Would Penn be angry because of my father’s treatment of Carter? How would things between Carter and me be today after that intense helicopter and car ride?

Can I hug him in front of them without feeling self -conscious?

If we are going to be friends, what happens when the inevitable happens and he starts dating?

He’s a star now, and he’s only going to get bigger. No matter how he feels about me, at some point he’ll move on. I can’t say for certain that I won’t either. Even though right now, it’s the remotest possibility I can imagine.

“You seem nervous,” Dina whispers as we pull up to the building.

My heart is alternating between racing and stuttering, and I can barely speak. I’ve been trying to hide it because I don’t want Joe to know.

I roll my shoulders to try and dispel some of the tension that’s building. “I’m fine, just tired.”

“She’s nervous cause she’s got a crush on that boy, and she’s about to see his whole family,” Joe quips and my stomach pitches.

“No, he’s just my friend,” I protest, my heart racing again.

He waggles his eyebrows and smiles. “Look, I’m not that old. And you ain’t got nothing to be nervous about, because he likes you, too.”

“No, It’s not like that. And I don’t want you to say that out loud in there, please.”

Joe’s eyes widen slightly at my vehemence. He shoots a quick, puzzled glance at Dina and just nods.

The driver pulls open the door and he slides out.

“Maybe, he’ll have a date and you won’t have a choice but to keep your distance.” I whip around to glare at Dina.

She raises her eyebrows in a show of innocence, but her eyes twinkle with mischief.

My scowl deepens.

She relents with a sigh and reaches for my hand. Her expression is solemn. “I’d be scared shitless if I were you, I mean, this is a fucked-up situation,” she says.

“Gee, thanks. That’s so reassuring,” I try to tug my hand free and she holds on tighter.

“Let me finish. The fact that you came today is something you should be proud of. You’re the bravest person I know. I’m not even close to being able to face my fears this way. But whatever happens, you’re not alone. I’m here. Joe’s here. We’ve got you. Okay?”