“Is that me?” I ask, stunned by what I’m seeing.
“Yes…can you really not tell?” She comes to stand next to me.
I peer closer. “Is that what I really look like?”
“Carter, you own a mirror,” she says, exasperation relaxing her voice.
I shake my head in amazement. “I don’t know myself like this.” I reach a tentative hand out to touch the face of the man on the wall.
“Well, it’s how I know you.” she says quietly.
She’s drawn me at the piano. My eyes are closed, my face turned skyward, my mouth open. I look so at peace. I recognize the expression because it’s what I feel when I sing. I’m dressed in a white T-shirt, dark jeans and my tattoo, the one dedicated to my father is perfectly rendered. My fingers are on the keys of a bright blue piano that’s surreal and yet so perfect. The music rises up in a cloud of blue clover the same color as the piano and clusters into…
“Oh my God. That’s you.” I gasp and turn to her wide-eyed. She’s watching me with a wide smile on her face. It’s as bright and golden as the midday sun.
“Yes…your music makes me feel like that.”
She’s drawn herself in blue, not the same as the piano — it’s brighter, lighter, but just as vibrant. She has wings, gold, intricately laced ones. Them and the Clover over her heart are the only other colors on her body, and the expression on her face is breathtaking. She looks radiantly happy and like she’s ready to go into battle at the same time.
“Oh Beth. Wow. I don’t know what to say.” I finally manage to speak around the lump in my throat.
“Then don’t say anything. But, if you like it, I’d love for you to have it.”
“I love it. Thank you. I need to buy a house worthy of it, but yes, absolutely.”
“Well, until you know where you want it, it’s fine here.”
“I think I should take it now and save it from the same fate as my piano.” I nod at it.
She snorts a laugh and nudges me. “Nope, like yours it’s a replica. Your piano is still in Texas and is yours for the taking anytime you’re ready.”
My eyebrows lift in surprise before I even realize I’m feeling it.
She laughs again. “What, you thought I planned on keeping it?”
“No, I thought you would have sold the house. Do you still get out there?”
Her smile softens and affection fills her eyes. “When I’m not here, I’m there. It’s home. It’s my safe place to land.”
Hearing her say that makes me realize that I think of Winsome the same way. I’ve only spent 6 months of my entire life there, but I feel a sense of peace and belonging there than I do anywhere else. “Well, I think that piano is right where it belongs. And who knows, maybe one day, you’ll decide it’s time for lessons.”
She shakes her head and grins. “I think I’m good on learning new things. But, I’m happy to know it can stay there.”
“Never say never,” I chide.
“You’re right. Anything is possible.” Her eyes turn wistful and something in my chest tightens. We don’t speak again as we leave her studio and head toward the stairs. But we don’t need to, we both know that when it comes to us, anything isn’t possible.
“What are we doing here?” I ask as we zip past a sign that reads “Airport.”
“Wait and see,” he sing songs, grinning the way he has every time I’ve asked for a hint.
“Tell me, I’m about to burst.” I nudge him in the ribs.