When she left, my parents asked questions that I couldn't answer. I had’t bothered to learn any of the fundamentals. I don’t know when her birthday is. Why she’s spending the entire summer alone at her aunt’s lake house. Where her parents are. Why the brother she speaks of so fondly never calls her. But before I ask her anything, I have to come clean about the life I put on pause when I left New York. I take a deep breath and open the door slowly, just wide enough to let me stick my head inside. She’s singing, “All Cried Out” by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, at the top of her lungs.

She can’t carry a tune to save her life, but she puts as much unbridled passion into it as she does everything else. I lean against the door frame and take her in.

If I was’t so rooted in this moment, the awestruck adoration that leaves me lost for words could be mistaken for déjà vu. I felt the same way the first time I saw her nearly three months ago. But the feeling is as real now as it was then, and as it has been.

Oblivious to her audience, she sashays over to her supply cabinet and bends over to rifle around one of the lower shelves. It only takes three shakes of what is, without a doubt, the sweetest ass I’ve laid eyes on in my nearly twenty years on earth for me to almost forget the problematic thoughts that have plagued me for most of the day.

Almost. I step into the room and close the door with a firm thud.

She yelps in surprise and spins around. Then her eyes, those twin pools paradise blue, widen. She smiles like seeing me is the best thing to ever happen to her.

The day’s dying light makes a final show of its prowess and illuminates the face that’s launched countless songs in my heart.

“Oh my God, I thought you’d never get here,” she drops the arm load of paint bottles onto the table and runs toward me, locomotive of my wildest dreams. When she launches herself at me, I open my arms to catch her.

She’s a tiny thing, but I stumble a few steps when she makes impact.

She hooks her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, and hugs me close so that our bodies are pressed tightly together. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her even closer and breathe her in. She’s been wearing the same sunflower scented lotion since I met her, and the smell of it is attached to so many memories and emotions. It calls to mind cloudless bright blue skies, endless days of warm sunshine, breath stealing, boundary pushing adventures and of raw soul deep beauty—I’ve fallen deeply in love with all those things over the last three months.

But if I hadn’t fallen in love with Beth first, I might not have found these other great new loves of mine. And all the songs I’ve written this summer, songs I know will be hits, are about this amazing woman.

Even knowing who my family is hasn't changed the way she treats me. Everything between us so easy, perfect, and is going to be really hard to leave behind.

I trail kisses down her face and part my lips in the crook of her neck and run my tongue over the salty, sweet skin.

“That feels so good. I’m glad you’re in the mood, because I’ve been really turned on ever since I read a blog post on The Huffington Post that called you a rock god. I hate that women all over the world are obsessed with you, too. But also, I love that for now, I have you all to myself’” she drawls before she skims a kiss across my cheek.

I cringe. “It’s embarrassing. I mean, Lenny Kravtiz is a rock god. I just got lucky.”

“No, you didn’t. You’re fucking amazing. I don’t understand why you’re not the lead singer. But you’re amazing behind the drums and every article I’ve read about you says the same thing - a limitless talent. You didn’t get lucky. You earned all of this.”

Her energy is contagious. I came down here worried about being able to live up to the label’s expectations. After three months of pushing my limits and letting inspiration lead the way, I’ve started wondering if they can live up to mine.

“I sure as hell did,” I agree, and we high five and grin at each other.

Her smile is wide and bright with an affection I don’t deserve but covet none the less. I lean forward, an involuntary response to being this close to her too tempting mouth. The greedy devil this summer of hedonism wants one more taste before we walk the rest of this plank.

But I know better… when it comes to Beth there’s no such thing as just a taste. Once I start kissing her, I can’t stop until I’ve had all of her.

I give her ass a hard squeeze and set her on her feet.

I try to keep my expression neutral despite my ballooning trepidation. “I need to tell you something.”

She reaches up to cup my face and silences me with a long, slow kiss. She presses her forehead to mine and closes her eyes. “Everything that’s happened between us has been honest. That’s enough for me. Let’s just leave it there. “

My chest tightens. “Well, it’s not enough for me. I don’t want to leave things here.”

She scans my face, and the ever-present gleam in her eye’s flickers for the first time since I’ve know her. “But first, you need to tell me something that could end

it all, right?” The resignation in her voice—as if she’d been expecting me to let her down—shakes my resolve to come clean. Am I about to confirm some hidden doubt she’s had about me?

She purses her lips and raises an impatient brow. “Just tell me.”

Because I know lies like this always catch up with a man, and because after everything she’s given me, the truth is the least she deserves. I take a deep breath and spit it out.

“I have a girlfriend at home. She and I agreed to spend the summer apart. I didn’t tell you when we first met because I thought this was going to be just sex.”

She blinks rapidly like water splashed into her eyes. “Oh…I see.” She turns away from me, but not before the light in her eyes dims completely.