Dina gives me a stern frown and wags a finger in my face. “No brawling.”

I laugh and wave her concern away. her. “That happened one time and I didn’t start it. Besides I have a good feeling about tonight.”

“It was twice. You certainly finished it, and you had a good feeling election night 2016.” She despairs.

I chuckle and kiss her on the cheek before I climb out. “Don’t wait up. I’ll get Carter to bring me home,” I call before I close the door and I saunter across the full parking lot to The Wishbone.

Dina told me it was on a Food Network show recently and has become a tourist destination. I’ve never heard of it before and with it being almost thirty miles outside E. Winsome, I’m hopefulI won’t see any familiar faces. Dina told me they have a DJ on Fridays and I can hear the music before I open the doors.

I’m sashaying my way to the bar when I see Carter and my bravado falters. He’s with a woman. I can only see the back of her head, but that’s enough.

They’re huddled in a booth and she’s leaned against him like she didn’t say no when he asked if they could be more than just friends.

I can’t believe he’s on a date. But I’m not deterred. That man is mine and as soon as I have some liquid courage in me, I’ll remind him of that.

I slip into crowd and make my way to the bar. I order a whiskey soda and settle in to wait for it.

I’m staring at the mirrored wall behind the bar and do a double take because for a split second, I don’t recognize myself.

With my hair in a blunt bob that I let Dina cut, I look like the woman I thought I’d be when I was a girl. I can barely see the scar under my make up.

I feel like celebrating.

A year ago, I was so alone and happy to settle for whatever I could get because I’m hungry. And it filled my belly, but I knew it would never never satisfy me.

Now, I’ve got Carter and Dina and a way out. When the bartender slides my drink over, I raise a toast to my reflection. Then, I walk to the dance floor to celebrate my future.



Like Flying

“Hey. We’re going to hit the road,” Dean says as soon he slides into the booth next to his wife.

I glance at my watch, surprised to see that.we’ve been here for two hours already. I nod and extend my hand to shake his. “Thank you for coming out here. I’m glad we could work something out.”

“You’re a rare talent, and good guy.” Dean says, his light green eyes are warm but assessing. “We’re headed to Houston to pick up our kids and I’ll be out of the office until Labor Day. You’re the reason I’m here but if you think the rest of your bandmates are ready, then I’ll schedule something for all of us, then.

“Okay, they’re on board. I’ve been writing. I can be back by Labor Day, too.” That’s a little more than a month from now. I need to talk to Beth. Now that I know I’ll be making real money again, I need to see if I can get her to trust me enough to walk away from this sham she’s entering.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I down the rest of my Arnold Palmer. and slide out of the booth.

I want to go and find Beth and talk.

What if Dina is wrong?

What if she’s right?

I’m halfway to the bar when a dark head, swaying in the middle of the dance floor catches my eye.

She’s transformed, but looks more like herself than she’s been since I’ve been here. All that hair is gone, but what’s left sits on her head like a crown, dark with loose waves that just barely skim her jaw and fall over her right eye. Normally, she’s covered up in long sleeve blouses, skirts that never show her knees or pants that hide all her curves.

Tonight, she’s on display. Her tiny black top shows more skin than it covers. Her sweet ass is hugged by her tight dark jeans and her sky-high black sandals make her legs look a mile long.

She’s lost in the music. So much like the night I met her. She turns toward me and then the lush beauty cast by her paradise blues lure me and I’m caught, hook line and sinker.

My quest for the bar, the high stakes choices I’ve got to make, my vow to leave her the fuck alone, all of it, is forgotten. I let her reel me in.