There’s Always Music.
“Hey Duke, it’s me. I decided to stay at the lake house. Thanks for coming out today. I’ll see you at Christmas.”
I put the phone back on the receiver and make quick work of throwing on dry clothes. My ankle is sore, but not as sore as it would have been if I’d had to walk up those stairs on it.
When I woke up today, I was sure nothing could make me smile. And never in a million years would I have imagined the man who’s face captured my imagination a week ago would be just as captivated by me. Butterflies hum in my chest when I recall the way he picked me up. I love fairytales, and I used to dream about Prince Charming, but I didn’t dare hope he’d ever find me.
It was reckless to bring a total stranger here when I’m alone. But since the day I saw him, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. Or drawing him.
But from my perch on the lifeguard stand and even close up in the light from the bonfires, I hadn’t been able to see all the details that make his face so much more than beautiful.
When I turned on all the lights in the house, I found myself staring into unfathomably beautiful green eyes, the same color as the sun dappled water of the shimmering lake I’ve spent so many nights frolicking in. I could see the tiny scar that bisects his right eyebrow, and the dimple that only graces his left cheek. I can’t wait to update my sketches of him.
The sound of the piano shakes me out of my daydream. I haven’t heard that instrument’s music in such a long time and my heart leaps with happiness. I soak in the strains of the familiar melody he’s repeating. I'm still trying to place it when his voice rises to join it.
It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard; A clear, rich tenor that sends a rash of gooseflesh over my entire body. And he’s singing a song I’ve always loved. “The First Time, Ever I saw your Face,” by Roberta Flack. But like I've never heard it. I know, right away, this is something special.
What in the world is talent like that doing here? I make my way downstairs as quickly as my ankle will take me.
The music stops before I reach the back of the house where the piano sits and when I open the door, he’s standing in the dark, staring out at the lake. He doesn’t turn around when I walk in, and I don’t blame him. I move to stand beside him. The rain has stopped, and the clouds have parted to reveal a full, low moon that casts a pearlescent light onto the water.
“This view is magical, isn’t it?”
He nods. “Hell yeah. It is. And who’d know there’s a crowded lake just on the other side? This is all your aunt's?”
“Is she here, too?”
“No. She spends her summers in France. So, the house is empty and it’s just me.” A day ago, I was sad about that. It's incredible how quickly life can change.
He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Can I have that dance now?”
I laugh and shake my head. “There’s no music.”
“There’s always music,” he drawls.
“May I?” He holds his hand out to me and waits for me to take it.
What felt like a silly idea two seconds ago, now feels imperative. If it’ll gets us back to what we were doing in my bedroom faster, even better.
I nod.
He closes the small distance between us with one long stride, and I close my eyes. He slips his hand around my waist, the slide of it against the thin fabric of my t-shirt.
“Just…like this?” I ask when he starts to sway.
“Just like this.” His breath tickles the hair on my neck as he nuzzles it before he straightens and rests his cheek on my temple. I slide my arms around his broad shoulders and close my eyes.
“I can feel your heart beating against my chest. Can you feel mine?”
I focus my scattered mind on the places where our bodies are touching, a rhythmic thump in his chest. “Yes, and I can hear it, too.”
“Let’s dance to that, okay?”