I don’t need to turn back around to know how he’s looking at me. I know his every expression. In my mind’s eye, I can see the way his full, wide, light pink lips are flattened and turned down at the corners. I can picture his heavy dark brows slashed downward with worry.

His glittering eyes are full of the tender concern that’s captured the imagination of every woman with a pulse.

“Beth,” he says softly as he comes to stand next to us at the table and a strong hand wraps around my shoulder ”I got you… I got you,” Carter whispers in my ear and the tears of pain that are welling in my eyes don’t sting so badly suddenly. His words are like a shot of analgesic sunshine straight into my veins.

Every muscle in my body relaxes and I sag back against his broad muscular chest. I lean against him, not worried at all that he can’t take my weight. I know that Carter would never let me fall.

I shake my head and try to step out of his hold. When he doesn’t let go, I look up at him, my vision clouded by pain, but determined not to set myself on a path that can only end badly for me. “Why are you here?” I’m breathless and my voice is tight with pain. I close my eyes against a wave of pain that starts to move up my arm.

Carter’s wraps an arm around my shoulder and turns me so I can’t avoid his eyes any longer. They pin me in place and he lowers his head and his breath is warm and sweet against my neck. “I came for you.”

We did DNA tests separately and we’ve been waiting for the lab to email the results. Because of the holidays, things moved slower, so the results could take ten days.

They warned us that any shared DNA markers, no matter how few, would render the test inconclusive. Having samples from our mothers would help them say with certainty, but that just wasn’t possible. So, I’m just hoping like hell we get answers that don’t lead to more questions.

I don’t know if it’s relief, pain, surprise, or exhaustion that makes my head swim. When I try to answer him, the words feel so far away. Then, everything goes dark.




I manage to catch her before she crumples to the ground. I scoop her up into my arms. She moans and I look down at her heart-shaped face to see that her thick feathery lashes are fluttering.

It’s hard to make myself look away from her when I’ve deprived myself of the pleasure for so long. Our show is at the Barclay Center and we’ve been there every day this week for rehearsal. The guys came with me when I said I was running out to eat.

I was glad, I needed the moral support.

Beth was so angry with me after our last conversation and I don’t blame her. I was scared and acted like a child who didn’t know the world didn’t revolve around him.

So, before I tell her the truth about us, I want to make sure she knows that even if the results hadn’t been clear, I would still want her in my life.

I look over at her friend. Her dark eyes are as wide as saucers and her face is pale.

r />

“Where’s that office you mentioned?” I snap and she jumps like I startled her.

“Oh my God, I’m such an idiot. Of course, this way. There’s a couch and a first aid kit.” She turns and starts toward the back of the kitchen.

“Carter?” Beth calls my name and I look down to find her fully awake, but her eyes are glazed with pain and confusion.

“You’re okay, baby. I know it hurts.”

“It does,” she murmurs and closes her eyes against it.

I follow her friend through the door she’s holding open and into a dingy little office with a couch that looks like it’s been handed down several times.

“You want me to lay her on that?” I eye the stained, threadbare couch disdainfully.

“It’s clean, just old,” she snaps. She lays the first aid kit and bottle of water down and rushes from the room.

Just like that, we’re alone.

Her beautiful face is contorted in pain, her eyes still closed as she cradles her burned hand against her chest.

I know I need to at least get a bandage on her and tear my eyes off her and scan the room for an alternative to the couch.