I turn back just as Nadia reaches me and throws her arms around me.

“This is going to be epic,” she says and then extends a hand behind her without turning mourned. “Ry, come let me introduce you.” She wiggles her fingers at her man and he smiles gamely and starts toward us.

“You might want to find a mirror, Ryan,” Jack’s bored drawl has Ryan stopping and looking at the mirror as he passes. He expression widens in horror as he sees what he looks like. We all laugh while he runs a frantic, smoothing hand over his hair and wipes furiously at the lipstick on his chin.

“Your sister is wild. I can’t take her anywhere. I did my rounds with lipstick on my collar every single day last week,” he says without a hint of complaint and then comes to stand next to Nadia, smiling like the cat who got the cream as he slips a hand around her waist and pulls her into him.

Nadia flushes with delight and snuggles into him. “You should stop being so hot and then I could maybe keep my hands off you.”

Ryan looks at me and Joe, his expression apologetic. “I’m sorry, I’m not making a good first impression. I promise I’m not a nympho who goes around mauling my girlfriend in public. You can trust me. I’m a doctor,” he says jokingly and we all laugh again.

“I’m Joe. I’m a sculptor, and you can trust me, too.”

“I’m Beth, I’m … an artist,” I say testing out my new title.

“Oh, don’t leave out the most important part,” Jack calls from the couch. We all turn to face him. His tone is benign enough, but there’s something in the way his eyes move between Carter and me that makes my blood run cold.

“What else is there?” Carter asks his voice several degrees frostier than it had been a minute ago. His sage green eyes, which were warm a few minutes ago are now dark with warning.

The elevator dings and the doors slide open. A young woman with glowing dark brown skin and cascading braids framing her show-stoppigly pretty face steps off the elevator and into the room.

“Porsha, you’ve got perfect timing as always,” Jack says in a sarcastic voice as he saunters over from the couch.

“I’m ignoring you, today,” she says, unaware of the tense moment she just interrupted. “Hey babe,” she says and walks over to Carter.

My stomach lurches when she wraps a possessive arm around his waist.

“Have you met Beth? Carter’s long lost sister?”

My stomach drops to my toes and my eyes follow its trajectory. I pray for the world to open itself and swallow me whole. Dina squeezes my hand, but no one says a word.

“What’d he say?” Joe breaks the silence.

I close my eyes, and mortified tears spill out.

“Jack, shut up. I mean it,” Penn snaps. And I can’t bring myself to look at anyone.

“Why? Is it a secret?” Jack asks, his eyes wide and bemused as he looks around at the expressions that range from discomfort to gob smacked confusion.

If his innocence is feigned, then he’s a really good actor.

“You’re an asshole,” Dina says, her voice low and dripping with anger.

I put an hand on her arm, as visions of flying pumpkin candle holders flash in my mind.

He whips his head to the left and peers at her. “Sorry, who are you?”

“Not a fan any longer. That’s for sure,” she says tightly.

Nadia lets out a low whistle.

“Wow, that’s a record Jack. People usually need at least ten minutes before they realize you’re only nice on tv,” Nadia snap

s at him.

“I’m sorry, is anyone going to explain what he means?” Joe asks, his voice louder than it needs to be and a queasy heaviness makes my stomach feel like it’s in free fall.

“There’s nothing to explain. Jack is an asshole,” Carter says, his voice dripping with hurt, I look over at him, his jaw clenched and a muscle in his cheek jumps. His arms are crossed and he’s glaring at his brother.