I flush. “Tyson is such a blabber mouth. He shouldn’t be telling you this stuff,” I grumble as I read it.

But when I’m done, the smile I offer as I give the phone back is both sheepish and relieved. “You could have told me. How in the world would I have recognized you, Stone? All this time I’ve been looking for a guy who’s 5’5?

?? max with glasses that won’t stay on his nose and skin that’s pale from being in a lab somewhere all day,” I sputter. I sound stupid and I know it, but I’m flabbergasted by the way he’s changed.

He grins. “You’ve been looking for me?”

I scowl “I mean, not actively but I thought maybe I’d run into you somewhere, maybe.” I give him an appreciative once over. “I wouldn’t have ever imagined you’d be so…built.”

His grin spreads as he flexes one of his impressive biceps, kisses it and winks. “I had a growth spurt. Glad you approve.”

He’s really gorgeous when he smiles like that. But even that smile can’t make me forget what a disaster this is.

Whatever he sees in my expression sobers him up. He sighs and walks up to me. “Honestly, it didn’t occur to me that you’d be inviting me to your room if you didn’t know who I was.”

I throw my hands up in exasperation “Hello? I rode your dick on the shuttle?” I remind him.

“It’s okay, we—”

I whirl away from him and head for the door. “This did not happen. You have to leave.”

His hands close over my shoulders before I take two steps and move to stand in front of me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, but even with them closed, I can’t reconcile this big, fine man with the small boy that’s lived in my memories.

“I’m sorry Regan, but it did happen. And it was pretty fucking hot.”

“I’m married.” I blurt and then feel stupid.

“Well, you better tell your vagina. She doesn’t seem to remember that anymore,” he says and then smiles.

“Are you smiling? Why? There’s nothing funny happening here.”

“I didn’t say anything was funny. And I can’t help it that I’m finding quite a lot to smile about. You thought I was a stranger. You wanted to fuck me because you think I’m hot. Not because you thought I was safe. I thought Tyson—”

“You cannot tell Tyson, and I just… If my husband finds out...”

“He won’t,” he says as if it’s that easy to dismiss Marcel, but some of the nonchalance in his expression fades.

“He can’t. I won’t make excuses for myself. But I haven’t been with him or anyone in more than five years. I’m going through a lot right now and yes, I thought you were a handsome stranger who I could take home, and then…”

“Never see me again?” He finishes for me.

“Yes. Exactly. And that…it was amazing. If you hadn’t turned out to be…you, I’d ask you to stay.”

“Then pretend I’m not me and give me those seconds you promised.” His hands slips off my shoulder and starts to move down my back. I yank out of his reach and raise a hand in warning, and he steps toward me.

“That was before I knew who you were. Stone, this shouldn’t have happened. And I’m sorry, but you have to leave, now. Please,” I urge when he looks like he wants to argue with me.

He nods, his expression neutral but good natured. “You need time to get your head wrapped around everything.”

“No, I don’t. I already regret it,” I inform him with all the resolve I can muster.


“Because it was wrong.”
