“ I never cry,” she sounds bemused.

I take the bottle of tequila and glass from her pour myself a shot and throw it back. The burn is good and bracing.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she takes the glass back and I pour her another finger.

“Well, you’ve had a pretty shitty trip so far. Except for the parts you spent with me, of course.” I grin when she sputters on her swallow.“How long are you here?” I ask.

“I’m leaving on Sunday.”


“I’m leaving tomorrow,” I announce.

She stills, her eyes widen with surprise and disappointment. Maybe it’s not such a moonshot after all. “Oh, so soon?” She tries to sound casual and sits back on the couch, her hands gripped together on her lap.

“I’m going on an excursion for a few days.”

“Oh, that’s nice. To where?” She asks, her voice tinny with false cheer.

“A road trip to Isla Espiritu Santo. Stopping where we feel like between here and there.”

She blinks, frowns. “We? You’re going with someone?”

I nod. “With a woman friend.”

Her eyebrows lift in surprise and then her expression shutters. “Well, Stone it was really nice to see you. Hope you brought enough condoms to last the rest of your trip.” She gets up from the couch.

I grab her and yank her back down. “You’re gorgeous when you’re jealous.” I lean forward to kiss her.

She shoves me away. “Are you out of your mind?”she growls, her dark brows furrowing and look like the wings of an avenging angel. Her eyes glitter like stars and her face is flushed with sun and emotion.

I smile, innocently. “Now that you’ve mentioned it, I don’t think I have enough condoms. Do you know where I can get some around here?”

She gives me an acidic, contemptuous smile. “No, I don’t, asshole.” She yanks out of my grip.

I bite back a cackle and take hold of her arm again.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, feigned confusion drawing my brows down.

She d

oesn’t buy my act for one second and her lips curls in disgust. “I hope you and whoever you’re taking with you get a flat tire in the middle of the desert and have to walk for miles while coyotes chase you. And, I hope your dick falls off.”

I can’t hold my laughter any longer. It’s shitty of me to be so giddy about it. But I am. She’s jealous. And I’ve teased her long enough.

“It would be a shame if that happened because we’d miss swimming with the dolphins, bungee jumping, me eating your pussy when the sun rises, fucking it while it sets…”

“Wait, what?” She stops squirming and puts two hands on my chest and shoves me away.

I grin at the skeptical suspicion on her face.

“Are you teasing me?” she asks, clearly affronted.

“Yes. Captain Obvious,” I say.

She narrows her eyes and frowns in disapproval.

I drop a kiss on her sweet, puckered mouth. “You’re coming with me. Unless you want to stay here, staring out at that amazing view, instead of becoming part of it.”