“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Need to talk to you. I’ll be there in five.”

“It’s late. why can’t you talk on the phone?”

“Man, you have a 3-month-old baby. You weren’t asleep anyway. Can I come over or what?”

“Uhhh…not when you sound like you want to kick my ass.”

I chuckle, surprised that I can manage it when I’m so angry. “No, I just joined a board and I’m fundraising money for the organization.”

“That’s nice,” he deadpans.

“I need you to write a check. Make some phone calls and grease a few squeaky wheels at the city department of health.” Regan won’t like it, but I don’t care. I’ll remind her that she offered me a spot on the board the first time we talked about Venus Rising.

He laughs out loud. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I forget the part where I live in a lamp that you’re the master of?”

I sigh, still weary. But I feel a little less defeated just talking to him. “No, you’re my brother. I need your help. Help that’s in your power to give. So, I’m asking.”

There’s a beat of silence, but I’m not worried. My brother is an asshole, he’d cut his arm off for me as fast as I’d cut mine off for him.

“Well, shit. Come on over. I’ll get the coffee on.”

I Want What Can't Be Mine


“That is so good, Venus,” I moan, and lift the long fall of her hair off her face, so can I see her better. The sight nearly scrambles my senses.

She’s lying on her stomach draped between my spread thighs. My dick is as deep as it can be inside the lush heat of her talented, wicked little mouth. One of her hands is fisted around the base of my dick, the other splayed on my stomach. I bend a knee, and she moans around my cock, her eyes flying up to mine. The scorching need in her gaze makes my mouth water.

I sit, grab her hips and rotate her body, until her knees are on either side of my head. Her lips never surrender my dick.

I spread her glistening, neatly trimmed pussy, and she rocks her hips. With a growl, I cover her with my mouth and run my tongue over her in one long, luxurious stroke.

My balls tighten and sparks of pleasure start in my toes and course up my legs. She moans, and it vibrates all around my pulsing dick and—

“Hey, wake up, man. It’s time to go,” Beau’s beefy hand slaps down on my shoulder and startles me out of my erotic dream. I glance down at my lap and I’m relieved to see that my bulging erection is still trapped in my jeans.

Three nights ago, I woke up from a nap in the common rest area during my overnight shift at the hospital with my dick fisted in my hand. I’ve been afraid to sleep during a shift since. And now, I’m exhausted.

I shove Beau’s hand off. “I’m ready. Just finishing up some paperwork,” I lie. I spin in my chair to face him and do a double take when I realize he’s not alone. A petite pink-haired woman is plastered to his side. She’s dressed in a skintight pink bodysuit, with pink framed glasses, and pink tassels tied to pink streaked pigtails to complete the Pepto-chic look she’s got going on. She’s grinning so widely; I can see all of her teeth.

“My name’s Zephyr,” she shouts, as if I’m not sitting two feet in front of them and sticks a hand with sparkly pink nails shaped like daggers out at me.

“Stone, nice to meet you.” I shake her hand, while I give my brother a subtle wide-eyed, “what the fuck is this?” look.

“Cadence and I are done. You were right.” His smile is wide and hopeful. I can’t muster the same. I eye the woman next to him. She looks wasted already.

“Where did you meet?” I ask, even though I'm afraid of the answer.

“At the CITGO on Fondren and West Airport,” Zephyr answers brightly.

“At the gas station?” I ask, praying that I heard her wrong.

He clearly misreads my dismay, because his smile widens. “Yeah, I know. How lucky was I to be there just when she needed help? It’s only been two hours, but Zephyr here’s already helping me get reacquainted with all of the fun I’ve missed while I was locked down with Cadence.” Suddenly, he sings out, “She’s like the wind, through my trees.”

He grins and presses the writhing woman closer to his side. “Get it? Zephyr is the wind? The song from Dirty Dancing? You know? By Patrick Swayze?” He presses when I just stare blankly at him.