“Was it a lie?” he demands, and I’m helpless in the face of his hurt. I don’t want to cause any more than I already have.

“I’m trying to do the right thing.” My words come out on a whimper.

“Me, too, dammit.” The flare of heat in his eyes and the low growl that rumbles between us is all the warning I have before his lips cover mine.

The heat of him, the divine taste of him, the way he kisses me like I belong to him – it makes my head spin.

He drags his mouth from mine and kisses his way down my face. “I told you that when I got here, I wouldn’t let you go.”

His words are like a splash of cold water. I won’t let another man manage me, tell me what to do, possess me.

Suddenly, his arms feel like a cage. I can’t breathe. I wrench away from his kiss, and without another word, turn and run for my life.

Out Of My System


It sets my teeth on edge with resentment to watch her run from me like I’m the man who hurt her. I’m not going to let her act like she’s the one who’s suffering. I follow her, my eyes on the long ponytail that swings as she walks.

And, of course, she looks good enough to eat. Her black slim fitting dress molds to her perfect ass and hugs her long lean thighs with each stride. Below the knee, her bare, shapely legs glow like they’ve got a spotlight on them. Her strappy gold heels slow her down and let me catch up with her, before she makes it to the door.

I wrap a hand around her bicep and spin her to face me. Her face is the picture of agony. But I tighten my hold on her and walk her backwards, until we hit her door. “You act like the world will end if people know that you fucked me. Are you ashamed of me?” I snarl.

Her eyes fly wide, and her full lips part to form a perfect circle. “ That’s not it,” she gasps, a hand to her heart as if she’s offended.

“Isn’t it?” I ask, shaking my head in disbelief. “I was good enough for an island fuck, but only if no one ever knows?”

“Stone!” she admonishes me in another pearl clutching gasp.

“Then tell me the truth. Because I know it’s not that you don’t want me.” I demand.

She crosses her arms and taps her foot, her expression turning frosty. “I’m surprised you even care. You and your girl seemed mighty cozy.” She puts the last words in air quotes.

“My girl? What are you talking about?” I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.

“I saw the pictures,” she growls, puts her hands on my chest and shoves me hard enough to force me to take a step back.

My jaw goes from slack to rigid in the space of time it takes her to finish that sentence.

“I’m not seeing anyone. And hello? You’re married.”

“Well, I never lied to you about anything.” she yells, pointing indignantly at the ground.

I throw my head back and groan in frustration. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “You said you loved me. And now, you’re standing here ripping my fucking heart out without so much as a flicker of remorse, makes me think that was a lie. And makes me wish I could stop loving you. I wish I could cut the stupid right out of my chest, Regan. But I can’t. And I’m so mad at you for it.” I don’t know why I’m confessing my feelings to this woman who I know I can’t trust them with.

She presses her lips together. Her thick fan of her lashes flutter furiously as she blinks back tears. “It wasn’t a lie. But this just can’t happen. You should go.” She tries to step around me, and I block her path.

I’d come here prepared to tell her to go fuck herself. But I need more than this. I need to understand.

“Regan, are you serious?”

Her dark eyes narrow with anger.“Do you know what will happen if we start seeing each other? I’m not even divorced.”

“You will be in six weeks.”

She stamps her foot in exasperation. “And the last thing I need is to play another round of Regan Wilde’s Love Life with the press. I just…can’t have another scandal.”

“So, you told everyone you hooked up with a random stranger? That’s less scandalous than saying you were kissing your first best friend?”