Her hair is a crazy mess of curls gathered at the top of her head. She’s got on a red T-shirt that says Bae Watch and some tiny denim shorts, that show off long, toned legs. She’s wearing bright blue Jordan’s, and her hands clutch the front straps of the backpack that’s slung over her shoulders. The dozen or so silver bangles that adorn her arms glint in the sunlight. And, there’s something very familiar about her.

It’s been bugging me all day. When Pops and I were walking through the square this morning, she was outside the bookstore, wiping down the huge bay windows that jut out onto the sidewalk and make it look like a real small-town bookstore.

She was wearing those same sunglasses.

I started to cross the street to get a closer look when Pops announced that he was tired and wanted to head home.

She turns onto the street leading to the bookstore and we lose sight of her.

I look back at Tyson and find his narrowed eyes tracing the girl’s movements and his fist caught between his lips. I snort in disgust and reach over and slap him on the back of his head.

“What the fuck was that for, Remi?” He rubs his head dramatically and turns angry eyes on me.

“Don’t ogle grown women like that, it’s disrespectful.”

“Then why are you doing it?” He scowls at me.

“’Cause, I’m a grown-ass man.” I wink at him, close the notebook I’ve been writing in, grab my iPod and headphones, and start toward the stairs.

“Where are you going?” he calls after me.

“To the square,” I shout back

“Oooh, I’m coming too. That girl ain’t no criminal. Mom is just being a snob.” He slams his book shut and jumps off his chair.

“No, you’re not. And don’t use double negatives when you talk. You sound ridiculous.”

“I’m on vacation, man.” He does his best Chris Tucker imitation. “Do you even know what that word means? I’m the only sixteen-year-old on summer break who’s got study hall every fucking day and gets lectures on his grammar.”

“You’re the only kid who’s got me for a brother,” I remind him.

He groans like he’s in agony.

I slap the back of his head again.

“That’ll give you something to really groan about. Trust me, being your big brother isn’t a picnic. Now, shut up and do your homework.” I close my folder and stand up.

He shoots me the finger but sits back down at the counter. I feel a rush of affection for him. He’s a pain in the ass. But he’s a good kid, and he doesn’t push back too hard when I have to put him in line.

“I saw her first,” he protests.

“Too bad you can’t do anything about that.” I wink at him and then head down the stairs.

I’m pulling it shut behind me when I hear him call out, “I hope Mom finds out.” He tries one last-ditch attempt to stop me.

“Hope your mom finds out what?” My grandfather’s rumbled question startles me. I didn’t realize he was down in the living room. He’s sitting in his recliner that faces the window overlooking the back garden, his copy of the Houston Chronicle folded on his lap and his glasses resting at the end of his narrow nose.

“Oh, nothing. I was just about to walk down to the square. Tyson’s just being a shit because I won’t let him come.”

“Oh, good. I forgot to stop by Sugar Plum on our way back. Margie made some of those macarons I love today. The green ones? Pick me some up on your way back.”

“You’re not supposed to eat those.”

“And you’re not supposed to be going to talk to that girl. But, here we are.” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“How do you know where I’m going?” I don’t even bother to deny it. My grandfather has an uncanny sense about things. And, for all of the lectures he’s given me about what my responsibilities are. He’s acted as the counterbalance to my mother’s strict, no-nonsense parenting style.

“Have a seat for a minute, Remi.” He nods at the chair next to his. I almost groan because I know a lecture’s coming. But whenever I feel like this, I remember the sickening dread the day of his stroke, and I sit my ass down with a smile on my face because I know that one day, I’ll miss these chats.