I whistle low. “Two and half million? Damn.”
“Yeah, well, we’ve spent the last two years making you one of the most sought-after celebrities in the world. News like that? They’ll pay for it.”
“I just don’t know how she got wind of this.”
“I’m trying to catch the last Acela from Union Station. We’ll work while I ride up. And I’ll get Cristal to book you a hotel. Any questions before I add Jenn?”
“No,” I say and try to take comfort that this man is working for me.
“You need to not worry about being embarrassed. She and I both signed nondisclosures. You just need to tell us anything else she or anyone else might have to add to what she’s already said. And then we’ll strategize.” I hear a car door slam and the beeps of a car coming to life.
“Okay. And Dean … Thanks.”
“You’re a good man. I know it, and so does everyone else who knows you. I know this sucks. But that’s why you’ve got me. Hold on, adding her now.”
Thirty minutes into our call, Dean asks us to hold. It’s the first break in the conversation I’ve had since this started.
I run a hand through my hair and wish I could pull it out strand by strand. Who cares about my fucking endorsement deals? Why the fuck am I here when my woman is out there somewhere looking for me? I didn’t get her back just to lose her because I’m worried about contracts. I’m not a brand. I’m a man, and right now I want to check on the people I love. My woman. My fucking friends.
I’m done with this.
“Hey, Amanda … You guys go wi—”
“You and your crazy girlfriend are going to owe me a vacation in Bora Bora by the time this week is over.” Dean reconnects to the call with a bone-weary sigh.
“Apollo?” Alarms burst in my chest like a grenade and I shoot to my feet. I hit the power button on my phone. “What do you mean?”
“She’s been arrested,” he deadpans.
The world stops.
“Be serious,” I say. There is no way that’s right.
“Do you think I would make a joke right now? She’s at the ninth precinct. She was arrested for malicious destruction of property and third-degree assault.”
My knees buckle. I fall back into my chair. This can’t be happening.
“She just got back to New York City. How the hell was she arrested for that in the last hour?” I ask dazedly.
“Well, apparently it’s all on video. She and another woman went to Nanette’s hotel. With a fucking baseball bat,” he says.
My stomach plummets to my toes and then shoots back up, and I bend at the waist, my head between my knees.
Amanda gasps. “Oh, dear Lord, what happened?”
“Well, Apollo smashed a table or ten chasing Nanette all over the hotel’s restaurant. The friend broke Nanette’s nose. With her fist.”
Amanda gasps again. I can’t seem to catch my breath.
Dean rolls right on. “I don’t know how they knew where she was. But those charges are serious. They all carry minimum sentences that include jail time. I’ve sent a criminal lawyer over. He’s one of the best. I’ll make sure he sends you the bill.”
“Over where?”
“You said you sent a lawyer over there. Where?” I demand, my impatience peaking.
“They’re at the ninth precinct. Being booked. Graham, I know you’re going to want to go there. I advise you very strongly not to. The lawyer will see them through arraignment and booking. They’ll get bail. You should just sit tight until she’s out. If you go there now, it will turn into a media circus. Your usual baseball cap and casual clothes disguise won’t be enough. People will be looking for you. Please. Just trust me to handle this and get Apollo out as quickly and safely as possible.”