Page 118 of Envy

So, I woke up on this otherwise perfectly beautiful Saturday morning and I was in a bad mood. When my doorbell chimed at eight-thirty, I’d stomped to the door ready to tell whoever it is to go away. I kept the chain in place and peered out into the hallway.

A man in a black suit and dark sunglasses stood on my doorstep. “Ms. Locklear, I’m Victor. Mr. Davis sent me to fetch you.”

“Riiiiiiight,” I drawled sarcastically. These people were obsessed with Graham and me. “I suppose I’m just supposed to come with you and you’ll take me to him,” I say.

“Yes, ma’am. I have instructions to ask you to wear something comfortable and that you don’t need anything but your phone.”

It’s too early for this shit. “Listen, I don’t know who you work for. Just go. And tell whoever you work for that if I see you around here again, I’ll call the cops.”

I slam the door in his face, turn the deadbolt and sit down at my dining room table and try to think how I’m going to get coffee without leaving the house.

My phone rings and I smile when I see my baby’s face on the screen. “Oh my God, please tell me you’re on your way home, some weirdo pretending to be a driver just tried to kidnap me and sell me,” I sigh lethargically. I look at my toes and wiggle them.


“Do you think I should get a pedicure today or wait until Wednesday when they’re not so busy?” I ask Graham.

He chuckles. “You sound awfully chill for someone who just beat off a would-be kidnapper.”

I walk over to my couch and drop onto it. “I didn’t let him in. I slammed the door in his face. When are you coming back?”

“I’m calling because Victor called to say you told him you’d call the cops on him.” I sit up, immediately alert.

“He works for you? He’s legit?” I ask.

“Very. Get dressed. Don’t pack any other clothes. Bring your phone and your kindle. I’ll see you soon.” The line goes dead. I stare at the screen for a minute and then I squeal.

Oh my God. This is it!

We are finally going to fuck.

I stand up and shimmy a little before I dash back to my door and open it.

“Hi, Victor,” I say to the man standing patiently in the doorway.

“Ma’am,” he says, smiling.

“I’m sorry. It’s early. I haven’t had coffee. I apologize.”

“Not at all. It’s better to be skeptical. And we can stop for coffee on the way to Teterboro.”

“The airport? In New Jersey?”

“Yes, Ms. Locklear. My car is downstairs. It’s the dark gray SUV parked right in front of your door with the hazards on.”

“Okay. I’ll be down in a minute. And by a minute, I mean, more like ten.”

“Take your time.” He nods his dark head and turns to leave.

I shut the door and then lean back against it.

“Oh, yeah. I am so ready.”

“Put on your big girl panties, Apollo,” I tell myself before I start to climb the steps of Graham’s plane. Our flight leaves in an hour, and they invited me to board. He’s not here yet, and my legs wobble a little as I climb the steps.

“Welcome aboard, Ms. Locklear.” A pretty blonde woman in a startling white skirt suit smiles widely as I step into the galley.

“You were … expecting me?” I return her smile, but inside, my nerves are going crazy.