Page 116 of Envy

I scan the club and see that Graham’s ended his phone call and is talking to two men I recognize from the cast of his reality show. And across from me, Josie doesn’t seem to care if I’m paying attention or not, and she continues her dissection of me.

“Maybe if you added some highlights or something. Have you tried curling—Oh, look he’s coming back.” Her smile brightens, and her eyes light up as she flips a thick lock of her shiny golden locks, as if to remind me that I didn’t stand a chance next to her.

“Josie, he’s not coming back for you,” I say with a smile as bright as the one she just gave me. “But, I understand why you would hope so.” I down the rest of my drink and stand up to watch him move across the space.

Yes, he looks the part. Yes, he can have anyone he wants. Live anywhere he wants. But he’s made it very clear that he wants me.”

I stand up and walk toward him.

“I wore this dress for you,” I blurt.

He grins and looks down at his feet. His hands stroke the back of his neck.

“Graham?” I ask when he chuckles softly.

He peeks up at me through his eyelashes, and to my amazement, he looks … bashful.

“Are you blushing?” I ask him, delightfully incredulous.

His gaze is direct now, the intensity in eyes pins me in place.

“The girl I’ve had a crush on since I was fourteen is standing in front of me telling me that she put that gorgeous dress onto her insanely sexy body with me in mind. So, yeah, I’m blushing.”

God, he’s so hot. I press on with what I came to say.

“I wore this dress because it matches your eyes,” I tell him. His expression softens.

“I’m here to stake my claim on those eyes and the beautiful soul they’re a window to.” His chest rises sharply, and he opens his mouth like he’s about to speak.

But he doesn’t.

He looks dumbfounded.

God, I suck at grand gestures.

“I’m sorry. That was a poor attempt at being poetic … I’m just trying to say, I want us to be more than just friends.”

He shakes his head rapidly and then exhales sharply. He eyes me skeptically. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to think that I was giving an ultimatum. I just didn’t want you to feel like you were being coerced instead of wooed. And as badly as I want all of you, I don’t want you to hurry.” His voice is hesitant, and his words deliberate. His gaze is so intent and worried. “I’ll work as long as it takes. I’m prepared to run after —”

“I don’t want you to run after me, baby, I want you to run beside me.” He reaches out and yanks me toward him so roughly that I stagger on my heels and my thighs clench at how good it feels for him to take what he wants and know that he doesn’t need to ask. He presses his hard, strong, lean body flush to mine and looks down at me. His body feels so good, my wits start to scramble. I concentrate and try to finish what I’m saying.

“Let’s chase life, together. I want to live like I mean it. I want to squeeze every single drop of joy and pain that life has for me. I don’t want my fear to rule me. Also, I happen to be deeply and irrevocably in love with you.”

His smile is as bright and beautiful as the stars he has always reminded me of. And it’s just for me. He looks up at the ceiling and says, “Thank. Fuck. I’m so—”

I put my finger to his lips. “Please, I’m not finished.”

“Bossy.” He bites down on the tip of my gold-tipped finger, and I hiss as his tongue licks the sting away.

“Graham, let me go. I can’t talk when you’re touching me.” I step backward and tug on my suddenly very hot dress. “I have something to say, and I need you to listen.”

“You’ve got two minutes,” he drawls. The way his lips pucker when they form the ‘o’ in two makes my pussy quiver.

I cannot believe this man is mine. Now, it’s time for me to act like a woman who deserves him.

I sit down on the sofa and pat the cushion next to me. He nods and strolls over. When he’s sitting, I reach for his hand and link our fingers.

“I owe you another apology. What I did after your graduation … I shouldn’t have. I had too much to drink.” I look down at our joined hands. “It’s not an excuse. But, I pushed us over a line we shouldn’t have crossed. We were going in different directions, and I took it personally that yours had veered off where I thought … And then, I licked my wounds for too long.” I stop and swallow hard. “You deserved a better friend. I vow to be that from now on. I want to show you that you can trust me.”