“Yes, it was,” she says, and then slips an arm around my waist. I pull away and stand to face her.
“What is it?” she asks, concern on her face. I take her chin between my fingers and bring her face up to mine. I look into those eyes
“I don’t want stolen moments in the back of a car. I don’t want to touch you and then send you home. Let’s hang out, eat dinner, be friends. But I’m not here just to finger fuck you and steal kisses. I’m here to win you over and then ride off into the sunset with you.”
She opens her mouth to complain. I hold up a hand to silence her.
“Listen, I get it. You need time. You’re not sure. I need to prove myself.”
“Let’s just spend time together? Okay?” She moves to put her arm around my waist again, and I step back. I need her to see that I’m serious.
“That’s fine. But, you don’t get to work out your attraction to me while all of that is still unresolved. So, no come-hither looks. No kissing,” I say even though it kills me to know I won’t taste those sweet lips until she tells me she’s ready to be mine.
The kisses we share mean something to me, and I don’t want them to feel like random hookups.
“Okay. That sounds fair,” she says with an uncertain smile.
My smile is genuine and wide. I know I probably don’t deserve what I’m asking for. I’ve done so many things I’m not proud of. Things I hope I never have to tell her. But, I love this woman. I know that she loves me. Until the day I die, I’ll work my ass off to make her feel like I’m worthy of her trust. She wraps her arm around my waist. I rest mine across her shoulders. We turn and walk in silence the rest of the way to the restaurant.
“I didn’t think you were serious, Reena,” I call out to my friend from my perch in the waiting area of the dressing rooms at Henri Bendel’s.
“Why not? I’m serious. I want to be ready when I meet my future husband,” she says, her voice straining and muffled.
“What are you trying on now?” I call out. I’m ready to go.
“You’re always ready to go. I’ve never met a girl who hated shopping as much as you do,” she says with disgust.
“It’s a waste of time. Thank God I brought this book.” I reach into my purse and pull out my kindle and open it.
“Ah, you and your love stories. Just make sure you highlight and send me all of the sex scenes. They’re my favorite part.”
I roll my eyes and don’t answer.
“Apollo? Is that you?”
I close my eyes briefly before I look up. I would recognize that voice anywhere. I’m only surprised I didn’t smell the fire and brimstone when she entered the store.
“Hello, Nanette,” I say with a tight smile on my face.
“Well, you always did have your nose in a book. Good to see some things never change,” she says, looking down her nose at me. I give her a once-over. If I’m being objective, she looks great. But that disdain and calculation that was always in her eyes is still there now.
“Nice to see you,” I say and then pick up my kindle again. What the hell is taking Reena so long?
“You too. We should have dinner. Graham’s living here now, so maybe you can join us and make it a threesome. You seemed to enjoy being a third wheel.”
My kindle nearly falls out of my hand, and I can’t disguise my shock at her words.
“Oh, didn’t you know he was in town?” she laughs, icily.
“Of course, I did. I just don’t understand how you do?” I say acerbically.
“You’re so naïve, Apollo. What? Did you think you were finally going to get to live out your schoolgirl crush with Graham?”
Just then, Reena’s door swings open and she walks out. Her expression is comical. She can’t glower to save her life, but she’s trying her darnedest now.