Page 34 of The Strangling

His words touched her deeply and she felt proud and womanly under his intimate, possessive stare, reveling in it.

He lifted his face skyward and opened out his arms. “Mistress moonlight, goddess of the skies, of the earth and of all living things, show yourself to us, shine upon your daughter Maerose tonight. Greet this woman and take her into your fold, bestow your gifts upon her, for she will use them wisely and with good purpose."

Maerose looked skyward, where the moon glowed fiercely, her light flowing down and funneling around them. As Bron spoke his words of greeting and request, the light pulsed brighter and seemed to move in a pattern more akin to that of water, rushing around them in rippling waves made up of millions of gleaming motes of light.

"Do you sense her presence?"

"Oh yes,” she breathed. More than that, as she looked into the night sky she became mesmerized by the pulsing waves of light, and therein she saw an image. A woman of great beauty, dressed in white robes made of the most exquisite material, as if spun from stardust. Her skin was pale and translucent, her hair a curtain of silver that hung over her shoulders.

"I can see her Bron.” Breathless, delighted laughter escaped her as she looked at the vision.

The goddess rested with her legs curled beneath her, one hand outstretched and touching the sleeping form of a man beside her. The Sun God. Handsome and strong, he gleamed golden even in his slumbering repose. The goddess sat protectively by his side, watching over him, taking his duties as her own while he rested. She smiled at Maerose, blinked and nodded.

"Open your heart to her,” Bron whispered. He stepped closer and took the cloak from her shoulders, dropping it onto the ground nearby. Again, he lifted his face, speaking to the goddess. “Maerose comes to you as she takes her first true steps into womanhood."

He glanced over and smiled at her then, and Maerose felt rich, pleasured.

"In communing with you she wishes to nurture the potential powers that lie within her. She will ally herself to your unwavering s

trength, your omnipotent female power."

He dropped to his knees in front of her and bent to place a kiss on her feet, first the right, than the left. As he did, Maerose felt her attention drawn away from him, back to the atmosphere around them. She could feel a majestic presence forming nearby, as if the goddess stood alongside them. She sensed it all around, like the loving embrace of a dear friend, or sister. A heavy cloak of light stole over her shoulders, warming her through.

Bron kissed her knees, first the right, and then the left. As he rose up and placed a kiss on her belly, above her womb, she drew a deep breath and her arms opened to the sky, instinctively. Like a rising tide inside her, she felt gloriously feminine, rich in her womanhood. When Bron stood and then bent to kiss her breasts, first the right, and then the left, she trembled with the immense rush of sensation within her.

He stood before her, watching the changes manifest in her. “Shine through your daughter, secret queen, unlock her powers, let them rise.” He moved closer. “Are you ready?” he whispered.

She nodded.

He bent to kiss her lips to complete the ritual. Pressed body to body, she responded, and as she did, a hidden part of her blossomed inside. She gasped against his mouth, as the strange feeling grew, becoming intense, and she felt heady with pleasure. Her core tingled. Her intimate flesh grew damp, her breasts aching and her nipples peaking.

"Your magic intensifies,” he whispered, as he drew back. He turned her toward the woods and stood behind her.

She knew what he said was true; she could feel it.

Beyond that and all around her she felt a multitude of hearts beating. She looked amongst the trees, searching for the spirit sisters that Bron had told her she might see there. Moving on the ebb and flow of the night air, she saw them filing past her, smiling at her, welcoming her into the fold. Many were female elders; she recognized them by their robes. She also saw visions of other women, weaving in amongst the trees. They wore flowers in their hair and danced together. The sound of their voices, laughter and song reached her as they disappeared into the night.

Maerose lifted her face to the moon, to offer her thanks. “Thank you, goddess, for taking me, this humble woman, into your fold."

For one final moment, she saw the image of the goddess, shining down on them, and it filled her with grateful awe.

* * * *

Bron carried her back to the cave in his arms, and there was such fierce pride within him that he could not keep the smile from his face. She rested easily in his arms, with her hands linked around his neck, her body still warm and pulsating from the ritual. He was so very proud that she had responded to it so well.

She looked up at him, blinking softly, her expression totally open. How far they had come in so little time. It was better, much better than he had ever hoped or wished.

"Are you tired?"

She shook her head, and her eyes were filled with languorous female knowledge. “No. Although I am a little hungry, for some reason."

He laughed gently, paused at the bottom of the steps and kissed the end of her nose, before carrying her up the steps. “Then we must eat."

Inside, he set her on her feet, but neither of them seemed willing to part and her hands remained around his neck.

"Whatever happens after this point,” she said, “my life will never be the same, will it?"

"No, that is very true. Are you disappointed by that?"